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It was Christmas Eve and Cody decided to throw a Christmas party. He invited everyone from 'Total Drama Island' including Alejandro and Sierra.

"Tell me again why you're doing this?" Noah asked while decorating their house.

Noah and Cody have been married for 5 years and live in a nice medium size house. It wasn't too big, it had 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. But the house was perfect for them.

"Cause they're our friends! And we've all been through a lot together." Cody replied as he handed Noah another roll of garland.

Noah rolled his eyes in response. He wasn't very close with the people he competed against unlike Cody. He would always message them and hang out with them while Noah preferred reading and cuddling with Cody.

"Oh come on, I know you miss some people." Cody wiggled his eyebrows while Noah rolled his eyes again.

"No comment."

"Could've swore you missed Izzy, Eva and Owen." Cody said while scratching the top of his head.

Before Noah could answer they heard the doorbell ring. The blue eyed boy quickly ran to door letting the guests in. Soon enough their house was full with everyone from 'Total Drama Island' along with Sierra and Alejandro.


The party was still going on, it's been 2 hours. They all caught up with each other, exchanged gifts. Sierra finally got over her crush on Cody so she wasn't acting like a stalker. Everyone decided to play Uno until Duncan set his deck of cards on fire with his lighter. But now everyone settled down and decided to watch 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas'.

"Haha, Noah, I need more popcorn." Owen whispered to the boy next to him. The two boys were both sitting on the couch, Izzy was laying on Owen while holding hands with Eva. While Cody had his arms wrapped around the sarcastic boy's torso.

"Again?! Fine. But this is your last bowl." Noah whispered yell back while yanking the bowl away from Owen and getting up off the couch.

While heading towards the kitchen Owen whispered yell, "Thank you!".

Noah was standing in front of the microwave waiting for the popcorn to finish popping. He still had two minutes left and he was growing impatience.

"Hey, Noah. Owen finished his popcorn?" Cody asked startling the sarcastic boy.

"Oh, yeah. This is going to be his sixth bowl." Noah replied with a tried look on his face.

"Oh come on, you're having fun. Just admit it!" Cody teased while ruffling Noah's hair making the sarcastic boy groan in annoyance.

"There goes all my hard work. Hope your happy." Noah said while looking up at his hair. The blue eyed boy just giggled in response while wrapping his arms around Noah's neck.

Cody tried to place a kiss on his cheek but Noah would move his head away making the blue eyed boy upset. That was until he noticed what they were standing under.

"Well, look what we have here." Cody said while looking up at the ceiling. Noah followed his gaze and noticed it.


"Gee just my luck. I get to kiss the boy who messed up my hair." Noah sarcastically replied back.

The sarcastic boy then wrapped his arms around Cody's waist and pulled him close. Their noses were touching, Noah was trying his best to not start rambling and saying whatever pops into his mind like he usually does. Cody on the other hand was a blushing mess.

Noah then pressed his lips against Cody. They both had their eyes close as they enjoyed the moment they were having. Not even caring that Owen is waiting for his popcorn.

When they broke away from the kiss they both were blushing. Even though they're married they still blush around each other.

"Merry Christmas, Noah." Cody said with a bright smile making the sarcastic boy smile back.

"Merry Christmas, Cody." Noah replied back while pulling Cody in for another kiss.

Hey guys!!! Happy Holidays!! Merry Christmas if you celebrate Christmas!

Here's you present from me, a new chapter! Also don't forget requests are still open! If you want you can PM me a request or just put it in the comments.

Anyways that's it!! Hope you have a great day/ evening/ night!! I love you all and Happy Holidays!! <3

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