Never Give Cody Alcohol

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Today was Cody's birthday! Meaning he's the last one to finally turn 21! Geoff has been waiting for months for Cody's birthday, so he could throw a epic party but this time with alcoholic drinks!

The whole original cast of total drama along with Sierra and Alejandro were invited to Geoff's house. Sierra got over her crush on Cody, but they were still good friends. And Alejandro and Heather became a power couple.

A lil authors note: I'm like 16.. so I don't really know about alcoholic drinks... but I've read fanfics so.. sorry if I get something wrong.

Geoff bought like 2 cases of beer and Duncan brought over 4 cases. Duncan really likes his beer.

It's already been a hour into the party and Duncan, Izzy, Lewshana, Courtney, Eva, Gwen, Geoff, Ezekiel, Heather and Alejandro were already drunk.

Duncan was busy smashing everything he could see and arguing at Courtney. Everyone was surprised to see Courtney drinking, but she was feeling a bit stress. Courtney was busy yelling at Duncan and would slap him, or she'd kick a guy in the nuts, or she would just start destroying everything.

Izzy was just dancing and being super happy! Once in awhile she would get mad and start yelling. She would also start to question life and her existence.

Lewshana was busy dancing and twerking to any song! Harold was just watching her until she grabbed him and they started dancing. Lewshana would get mad at Geoff for the music and try to change it but he would start yelling at her.

Eva was sending angry texts to anyone in her contacts. She was also yelling at anyone that got in her way. Eva was also throwing beer bottles at people.

Gwen was partying it up too, she would occasionally start hitting on Trent, making him feel very uncomfortable. Gwen even started grinding on Trent, until they started making out.

Geoff became more of a party animal. He was dancing like crazy, and he was just overall super happy. He and Bridgette started dancing together, until Bridgette started kissing him. That led to them going into a bedroom to make out and have sex.

Ezekiel became really sad. He would talk about how his parents didn't want him, how they didn't care he was missing. Or they way Chris treated him.

Heather and Alejandro also became party animals too! Heather was actually a fun person along with Alejandro. It was like Heather and Alejandro forgot how much they hated them.

Everyone that wasn't drunk had a least a sip or a full bottle of beer. Expect DJ and Cody.

"Come on, Cody... its your birthdayyy!" Gwen exclaimed, her breath smelled awful.

"Yyyyeahh.. here mannn.. drink upp." Izzy slurred while giving him a bottle of beer.

Cody was hesitant about it and wasn't really sure. Everyone, expect DJ and Noah, were telling him to drink. Cody then drink the whole bottle.

After a while he got addicted and started drinking more and more. The party started dying down and everyone either passed out or went home, thanks to DJ who drove them home.

"I... I need moreeee beer... " Cody slurred our whole looking around the house.

"Cody. Knock it off, there's no more. Everyone drank it all. Come on, let me take you home." Noah said while watching Cody search for beer.

Cody turned around and saw Noah. He then walked over to him, going in a zigzag. Cody then burped in Noah's face.

"Gross! Cody! Let's go." Noah said while waving the smell away from him.

Cody got closer to Noah, making Noah walk backwards until he hit a wall. Cody then went up to Noah and placed his hands on Noah's butt.

"Cody! Stop it." Noah exclaimed trying to push Cody away.

Cody instead gripped Noah's butt harder. Cody started kissing Noah's neck, Noah let out little soft moans.

"C-Cody... get... off me!" Noah yelled while pushing Cody off him.

Noah's yell woke up Lewshana. She had a big headache and was not in the mood for anything.

"Oh... come onnnn Noah.. I know youuu luv disss.." Cody slurred out. He got up and was making his way back to Noah.

Lewshana then tackled Cody to the floor. She punched Cody right in the eye and kicked him in the balls.

Cody was laying on the floor one hand holding his eye and the other holding his private part.

Lewshana got up and went to the kitchen and grabbed something from the fridge and came back to Cody. Lewshana came back with a steak and grabbed Cody by the collar and slapped him. He was knocked out cold after that.


"Ugh... what-what happened?"

Cody woke up in his bed. He was somehow in some sweats and a T-shirt that was slightly big but it still fit him. His eye was in tremendous pain along with his cheek.

"Finally you're awake. I thought Lewshana slapped the life out of you." Noah said as he came into the room. Cody smiles as soon as he saw Noah.

"What happened?"

"Well, first you got drunk. Then I tried to take you home but you were busy looking for beer. Next you started grabbing my ass and kissing my neck..." Noah said while rubbing the back of his neck.

Cody instantly felt his cheeks became deep red. He can't believe he did this.

"I pushed you off and yelled at you to get off me... I guess that woke up Lewshana. She gave you a black eye and also slapped you with a piece of steak." Noah said gesturing to Cody's eye and cheek.

"Oh... I'm sorry about what I did... I didn't mean too.. I mean I did... but not like that- I mean I would've done it like that just-" Cody was saying but was cut off by Noah who crashed his lips onto Cody's.

Cody instantly kissed Noah back. Cody wrapped his arms around Noah's neck, while Noah was hovering over Cody.

They both broke away, both out of breath. Cody was turning deep red again while Noah had a smirk on his face.

"Cody... I like you... ever since the first Total Drama... I also know you like me. I'm not that oblivious like you." Noah said with a smirk on his face. He then intertwined his fingers with Cody's.

"So you waited till I got drunk to tell me!?!"

"Duh. I wanted to see what kind of drunk you are..." Noah said making Cody laugh.

"Also I want my shirt back tomorrow." Noah said as he let go of Cody's hand. He then laid next to Cody, Cody snuggled up next to him.

"You're never getting it back. Wait!" Cody was saying as he got up fast scaring Noah.

"Noah, will you be my boyfriend?"

Noah laughed and got up and gently cupped Cody's cheeks in his hand.

"Of course..." Noah said while kissing Cody again.

"Also, Cody, no more beer for you."

If I'm being honest, I didn't really like this. Like the way I wrote it... I'll probably make another oneshot one like this but a bit different. I also was going to rewrite it but I decided to just leave it and publish it.

This was requested by @MouseyKitsune , hope it was what you wanted. Sorry if it wasn't, but like I said I'll rewrite it and make it a bit better.

Lol and no joke but I literally looked up the types for drunk people 😂 and I went off from there.

Anyways that's it! I hoped you like this oneshot! If you want you can request a oneshot! I hope you have a great day/evening/night! I love you all! <3

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