Second Chance

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Luke, Reggie, Alex, Violet and Willie all appeared in a white bright space. Alex and Willie were still kissing, they pulled back from each other and looked surprised. "How are you here right now?", Alex asked him.

"Guessing I was right about my unfinished business after all, just took a little longer time to sink it in.", Willie chuckled smiling at him.

"So this is heaven?", Reggie asked and looked around. "So bright.".

"I think that's the point, Reg.", Alex said, looking at him.

"Wait, did we just- we just left without saying goodbye to Julie.", Luke said upset, realizing it. "I was so focused on you guys that I forgot about her. She doesn't know anything about this, that we have done our unfinished business and crossed over. This can't be happening.".

"Luke, calm down.", Violet said, placing her hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. "We made it.".

"Then why am I not feeling happy about it?".

"We can't do anything about it.", Reggie shook his head. "I'm sorry, man.".

Luke looked at Reggie and nodded, looking down.

Down on earth, Julie walked into the garage and looking around. "I can't believe we just- guys? Reggie? Alex? Luke?", she asked around as she didn't see them. "Guys?", she looked down at the ground and noticed Luke's beanie, she picked it up and teared as she looked at it. "No... no no no, this can't be happening, not now.", she broke down on the floor. "Not now, please. I- did they... Violet, of course she were a part of their unfinished business.", she sighed, holding onto the beanie and looked at it, tears coming down on it.

Up in heaven, Luke were looking down as he was watching Julie's moment down on earth and it brought him tears. "We can't just leave her like that, we have to get back down there!", he said upset. "I would do anything for her.".

"I don't know if it is anything we can do.", Violet said.

"Hey guys.", a dark skinned, brown haired, british woman said who was approaching them.

Alex looked at her and widened his eyes. "You're Rose, the girl we met the night we died.".

"1995, you all look the same, and I see that you have made it to heaven. Congratulations.".

"Mrs. Molina, we met your daughter while we were down there.", Luke said, walking towards her. "Julie.".

"You did? How is she?".

"She misses you very much. Look... we left the earth without saying goodbye to her, and I just... I don't wanna leave it like that between us, she means a lot to me.".

"I see that you have gotten very found of her.", she smiled.

"Is there any chance I can do to get back down there?".

Rose widened her eyes surprised at them by his question. "No one have ever asked such thing before, most people feel complete when they cross over.".

"We don't feel complete without Julie.", Reggie said.

"At least Luke doesn't.", Alex mumbled.

"There is something you can do.", Rose said and Luke looked at her. "But it comes with consequences.".

"I don't care.".

"Wait, Luke, are you really thinking about it?", Violet asked Luke, walking to him.

He looked at Violet and nodded. "I have to, she needs me... and I need her.", he said and looked back at Rose. "I wanna go back down there.".

"Me too.", Violet said.

Julie And The Phantoms - season 3Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat