Who Loves You Back

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The next day, Willie and Violet was at the skatepark. Willie was skating around and Violet was sitting down on a bench, reading Caleb's book. Willie looked at her and shook his head, chuckling and started to skate towards her.

"I think you are the only one who is reading at a skatepark.", he said.

"Well, rather that than risking in hurting myself... again.", she said, looking up at him. "Besides, him writing something like this is very interesting, it can make us understand more about all this.".

"And for you to understand your powers more.".

"They were Caleb's before they were mine, I wanna know what they can make me do.".

"You know some things, when you were a ghost, you could make people feel and see you.".

"And now I get visions of the life we have got us into... what more are there?"

Willie nodded and sat down beside her. "Maybe you can make people remember the life before this."

"You mean people like Caleb and Julie? Like I can make them remember who we really are? What really happen between us?".

"I mean, it is a possibility, right? If you somehow could remember what happen between you and Carrie in this life, maybe you can get Julie to remember you and the guys before we crossed over.".

"That would make things better, wouldn't it?".

"That is all they want, especially Luke.", he said and Violet nodded at his words, looking down. "Is it what you want?".

Violet looked up at him confused. "What do you mean?".

"Oh come on, you can try to deny it all you want, Violet. But I have seen how you look at Luke, and I'm not the only one who have noticed it.", he said and she chuckled as she smiled, looking down. "To be honest, I think he has a thing for you too.".

"I highly doubt that.".

"I have seen how he looks at you, Vills. How he watches you dance, and how he just talks to you. I have seen that look at Alex when he looks at me, I have given Alex that exact look.".

"Luke likes Julie, not me. That is what is very clearly.".

"Yeah, but he feels something for you too. You are always there for him, whenever he needs someone he can just go next door and there he finds you, am I wrong?".

"No, no you're not.", she shook her head. "Luke and I... I do feel something for him, yes, and have done ever since we met that day at the beach. How could I not get feelings for him? He is... well, he is Luke.", she chuckled. "I know that nothing will happen between us though, whatever he feels towards me, he feels it more towards Julie.".

"And Carrie?".

"What about Carrie?".

"You two have gotten really close ever since you got those visions. Have something happen between you two that make you become more than just friends?".

"Do you remember when I told you about Midge?", she asked and he nodded. "I- I'm beginning to have the same feelings for Carrie as I had for Midge... Carrie isn't like I thought she would be, not as Julie described her at all. Sure, she seems cruel and selfish at first... but under all that, that makeup and that amazing wow smile of her, she is sensitive, caring, understanding, talented of course... she acts like she knows the real me when she actually doesn't, she is really good at it as well.".

"Well, this is their world and we are just living in it.".

"Yes, the world that the heaven created for us when we decided we wanted to come back down.".

Julie And The Phantoms - season 3Where stories live. Discover now