6 - Many years later

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Graduation took place awhile back and both boys were officially graduated from Shiratorizawa college.

They came back from their holiday in Greece, Kenjirō would kill to back, however now he had a family of his own.

Both Semi and Shirabu had 2 boys and a girl. They were all known, as the Semi's one big happy family.

They were making their way over to Eita's family's house for a meal, as they hadn't seen each other in some time.

Everyone was wondering what their family had prepared for them to eat.

Once they arrived everyone rushed into the house, Eita gave flowers to his mother before flashing a quit smile.

"How was your honeymoon honey?" His mother kissed his cheek.

"Great mom. Say what's for dinner?"

"Stew! Come, come everyone gather around the table."

Everybody gathered around excited for their stew, after the long journey to get to their grandparents the children were extremely ready to eat.

Dishes with soup were given out to each individual causing smiles to spread across their faces.

They talked about Greece, the beaches, the boat rides and their daughter's favourite part the sea turtles.

Conversation took place for awhile, before the digging into the food took place.

Everything was going great and to plan until there was a knock at the door.

"Eita, could you please get the door?"

"Yes mother."

Eita rose from his seat and went to answer the door.

"How may I help you?"

"I was wondering if you could lend me a hand carrying my shopping indoors?"

The elder lady gave a slight smile, Semi being the helpful person he is went over to help her with the shopping.

Shortly after he returned to the household and everyone bombarded him with all sorts of questions.

He answered them to the best of his ability, then they all returned to their meal.

After a hours hours spent at their grandparents house the children were treated to a day out with their fathers and ended the day with a hot chocolate each, as the returned home.

They arrived in their cozy house and enjoyed each other's present, before it was time for a another adventure together.

The end


Sorry this chapter was short, but this is the end to my SemiShira series!

I hope everyone had a good christmas!

Word count: 364


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