3 - Home sweet home

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College was finally out for Christmas break, usually the Shirabu's would put the tree up and hang Christmas decorations on the tree and around the house.

This year they decided to celebrate Christmas a little different Mrs Shirabu had invited the Semi's around for dinner.

Kenjirō was in charge of preparing the dinner, which caused him to panic a couple of times.

His mother noticed the unusual behaviour son was displaying and pulled him to the side.

"What's wrong Kenji?" A hint of concern in her voice.

"I'm just worried Semi isn't going to like the dinner I'm preparing."

Looking around the kitchen in a panic trying to find ingredients and other supplies.

"I'm sure he will my cherry."

Pans boiled, as Shirabu's hard work was finally coming together. He couldn't wait for everyone to taste his cooking.

A couple moments later Mr Shirabu walked into the kitchen. "Work called I'm needed abroad meaning I won't be here for Christmas, is that okay with you two?"

"Not r-" Kenjirō started, but soon stopped, as he realised he was never going to change his fathers mindset.

Shortly after Mr Shirabu left the house for his business trip.

Forgetting about his father walking out on a very special day to him, he soon continued with preparing the variety of meals he had planned.

Being the overprotective mother she is, Mrs Shirabu wanted the best for her son. Gg

As quickly as Kenji started cooking he soon finished, the table was set up in a beautiful traditional Japanese layout.

Starting from the fancy plates and bowls down to the finest chopsticks his family owned, pleased with the outcome of his hard work his family had time to relax for a couple minutes, before the Semi's showed up.

3:15pm is when their neighbours arrived at their doorstep, the smaller boy leaped to his feet and walked towards the door to allow his guests into his home, however his nerves were slowly taking over.

A pounding sound in his chest brought him back to reality, however Shirabu could've sworn he could feel his heart in his throat causing him to struggle with opening the door.

Knocking from the other side continued, eventually Mrs Shirabu came over to check if everything was alright, which it was evident it was the complete opposite. She gave her son a reassuring pat on the shoulder, before taking it upon herself to open the door.

There stood a family with ash-blonde hair, all looking their best, however Semi looked the most attractive. The ash-blonde just looked so perfect in the sun Shirabu couldn't help but blush.

After all the greeting and introducing was done, the two families made their way to the living room to eat the food that had been prepared for them.

"This food is delicious Mrs Shirabu!" Semi flashed a quick grin at her, mouth still stuffed with food.

"Actually, my cherry cooked this for you today. This whole feast was his doing, I had no part in it." She retorted with a smile.

"I see, well Kenji this is beautifully cooked and the layout is just breath taking."

Small chatter took place, after the small exchange of words between Eita and Mrs Shirabu, an hour passed and everyone was done with their meals. Various dishes and chopsticks were taken into the kitchen to be washed, tea was also being prepared in the mean time to help the families relax and enjoy one another's company.

China cups and saucers were dished out amongst the adults, as the two boys snuck off upstairs. "This way." The younger led the taller one into his room, before they knew it they reached Shirabu's desk and began planning out there perfect wedding day.

"What about a Christmas themed wedding on Christmas day, my love?" Semi suggested.

"Sounds wonderful."

They exchanged smiles, before hearing two familiar voices call out to them, signalling it was time for Eita to leave. The two exchanged a quick and passionate kiss, before heading downstairs and saying their goodbyes to each other's family members.

Writers block really sucks!

I'm trying super hard to get the next chapter ready and out by Christmas day!

Hope you're enjoying this sequel! <3

Word count: 680


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