10) Back On The Fold

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'And here I am with you' he concluded with a grin on his face.

Charlie was speechless for a moment wondering what to say. Margret was touched. She felt pity for the victims and for the murderer as well. 'He had been manipulated and already lost his senses' she thought.

'So, young man do you expect to get back at them for abandoning you?'

The boy giggled and said in an excited tone, 'no way could I betray them, I already told you. I'm waiting for them'

'Handing over their information to police won't be useful to your family?'

'Tougher the game is, happier you will be' Martha used to say. If you go looking for her, she'd be happy.' He blurted with the hint of laughter.' 'And you are still clueless. Even I'm not sure how much truth I've been told' he continued.

'Then you know they've lied and manipulated you. And do you still wish to be with them again?' Officer felt genuinely worried for the boy's mentality.

'They were, are and will be my forever family. No one has ever got me like they did. It was the only place I could call home. They knew exactly what I wanted; now I know only they are capable of it' his voice was clear and he was serious. 'It's my motivation, inspiration, vision, mission and only pleasure. Believe me I'll do anything to find it again. It's a rare chance to find a place where you suit. It's only with them I felt it; home.'

'Surely normal people can't kill people. His motivation must have been really strong.' Margret retorted inwardly.

After the testimony the boy was assigned to a psychiatrist. There he was recommended for a mental therapy for nearly two years. After the law suit and considering about the boy's unstable mental health he was assigned to 'Broadmoor prison'. They could remove the threat caused to the society by a mentally retarded person by sending him behind bars' they thought. No longer will he be able to roam freely.

Margret felt hurt after the whole incident. She felt pity for the boy who was misled by the evil forces of the society. He was different even before Martha appeared in his life. But proper guidance could have taken the boy into a good place in the society. If there was another person to adopt him, and taught him he would have been different and used his talents in a proper manner. After all, children take after us, the society they live in. No one is born evil. We could create a demon or a saint. It's up to us' she thought. She walked past the dark alley which led to her house still being haunted with the thoughts of the past unpleasant incident. If Martha is still out there won't she be training more innocent children to become killing machines? Whoever they are it was horrifying to think that such people exist in the same world as them. There may be many more people passing through under their noses with hundreds of evil plans carrying in their master minds. Either you become a victim or not it depends on your luck.

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Sam Randie Carlisle was laying on his cold lonely bed watching at the fan which was moving round and round. He had no intention rather than waiting. His nightmares had come to an end. No longer did he saw that fateful night again and again. Yet he was empty and thoughtless. Though he closed eyes to have a sleep he was not sure whether he slept or not. He had some sort of peace. But he was like a zombie to be exact. No goals, hopes or dreams. Happiness were far beyond his area.

He was living just because he could still breathe. And he was still breathing thanks to that little hope in a corner of his mind that his mother would come for him. People say that one could live without food and water for days but not without a hope. And that fading hope was the only reason for his existence.

He was running after the same thing just like that moving fan above him. It was evident that one petal won't touch the other no matter how fast it turned. His hope was as useless as that. But he was here stuck in a never ending loop. He was not the sort to give up his believes.

His eyes were moved from fan to the bars of his cage as he heard a sound from there. He stood up and walked towards to see something that made his withered face glow and shine again. There was a wide smile on his face, which had been invisible for years. The door was open and there stood her holding a key in her hands. She was in a hospital gown and her tied hair was shaken by the soft breeze. No matter  how many years had passed or how grown he is he felt the same joy that he felt on their first meeting. Her green eyes sparkled with excitement. Her face lit up with a cheerful smile showing her pointy white teeth and asked 'Hi honey, did you miss me?'

Early in the morning Margret came to her department and was shocked to find a brief fax on the table which said "Last night, Sam Randie Carlisle had escaped from Broadmoor prison with the help of a blond lady".

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