04) Tour to Whitby

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He was a Carlisle now and was getting used to his new life. Sam never liked crowded places so this place was a real heaven to him. Maids came once in a while to clean and keep the house in order. But did not stay there. Ultimately the only soul with whom he had company with was his new mother. And he preferred it that way.

Though he normally hated others' company this woman was an exception for him. She had some charm around her and Sam felt happy whenever he was with her. He was isolated from the world for 7 months by now. But he never wished to go out and got used to his new life with his mother. She took care of him, made him delicious dishes, took him for walks in the apple yard and told him bed time stories. It was the first time someone had given him such attention. (It's not like he wanted it for his past three years. But now things were different.)

One day when they were walking along in the apple yard they saw a random stray dog. It could be the first time in a while he had seen one. He never wondered why there aren't any pets or animals to be seen around the house though there were such a big yard around them. Evidently it changed the woman's outlook and she looked as if she was about to puke. The spectacle clearly irritated her and broke the delicate balance in her mind.

The very next day the lady entered Sam's room and announced in an excited tone.

'We are moving out. Guess where to?' She gazed at the child in sheer excitement and joy in her eyes. Her green eyes sparkled and she looked like a goddess.

Sam looked cautious. He was not the kind to attach to a place, but this place looked nice and warm. For the first time he felt sad about leaving it behind. But his mother looked beyond happy so he did not wish to upset her mood.

He tried to look cheerful and let out a suggestion 'London?'

'Oh, no it's crowded and busy! We are headed to Whitby' She exclaimed. As long as it was a lonely area it was okay with him.

'You could meet your siblings there. Seven months ago they went there looking for a good residence and I've received a message that they have found one' she said looking happy. This was a momentary shock for Sam though. He never liked others' company except for his mother's. The alert bell rang in his head.

Lady noted the unpleasant look on his face. And as she could read his mind she remarked, 'No need to get sad, I'm with you. And I'm sure you'll get along with your siblings well they aren't the boring average type' she chuckled. For an unknown reason the statement fixed his mood. Maybe it gave him the impression that he himself was special.

Once again the boy packed up his things including his dices. He liked to roll his dices and see whether he got the same numbers. That way he calculated the possibilities and matched them with his luck. He turned two of them on the desk and thought to himself that if the same number appeared on both, the journey to Whitby will be the wisest choice in his life. When he saw that 3 dots on both dices, he was beyond happy. He remembered how he got the same number on both dices before he left from orphanage that fateful day. It was doubtless, his favorite game. He heard his mother's calling downstairs so that he ran down quickly.

The journey was long and tiring. But he enjoyed every bit of it to the fullest. He was thinking, miraculously he was going to meet another group of people who share the same ideas as him.

While looking outside from the train window he had fallen asleep. He woke up to his mother's sweet voice. 'We're here.'

There was a girl with blond hair and blue eyes, two boys with red hair and dark eyes at the station, giving a friendly look to them. Mother went there and hugged them. For some reason Sam felt hurt. I'm Edith said the girl smiling. 'George and Tom 'the rest introduced themselves. There was another lady and a man behind the children.

After the small encounter they moved in a jeep to their new home. They traveled for rather a long time and reached an isolated area. It was a huge home just like the past one in a wide field where no one could be seen. From there they could notice the breaking waves of the sea as well. The environment was calm and quiet (except for the sound of breaking waves. But Sam liked it). The only thing upset him was that this time they were not alone.

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