03) Surprise for new millennium

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It was end of 2000. Everyone was eagerly waiting to welcome the new millennium. But not this boy, who was watching outside from the window laying on his cold bed. 'What could be good about a new millennium? It will be same as this one. There will be 24 hours per a day and 365/366 days per year. In short it's worth nothing, nothing special about it. These people are gone crazy.' He thought.

All he could feel was the cold winter breeze moving across his lonely room. He was 3 years old back then. But miraculously this boy was matured in a way. He was different from all the children in the orphanage. Back then the life in an orphanage was not comfortable. But at least there were peer groups to have company with. Yet he was distant from everyone, and had no friends (to be exact he didn't like any of their company and preferred to be alone.)

While looking outside the window he noticed a woman in her early twenties heading towards the orphanage. Children gathered around her, who were there outside playing and eagerly hoping to get presents.

The woman looked up and caught the bright red eyes which were directed at her. The boy didn't took back his eyes and kept gazing at her. She was blond, fair and almost a beauty queen. She smiled passionately showing her white pointy teeth. The boy didn't smile in response or give an affable look, instead he closed the window and moved back.

Confusion was written in her whole face. She climbed up the stairs and entered the orphanage. She was talking with the head of the hostel and got to know about that red eyed boy, the only child who were not outside to welcome the upcoming millennium. The head didn't seemed to have notice that such a boy existed. But eventually she understood that the lady was asking about Sam.

'I guess you were talking about Sam. If you want I could introduce you to him. But I'm not sure if it's the best idea. He doesn't talk much and I won't be expecting that he'll talk to you.'

'Well, I'd like to meet him 'said the lady in a water bubbling tone.

She was escorted to the second story and there she met Sam who was looking motionlessly at her as usual.

'Could you spare us a moment?' asked the lady and the head just left.

'Did you miss me, darling?' the lady asked with an affable smile in her face

The boy didn't respond. He was rigid and continued to stay that way. The next thing the women said made an excitement in the boy that his eyes sparkled.

'I'M YOUR MOTHER. Oh you should have been very lonely I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting. I lost you three years ago and only now they said you were given to this orphanage.' And the lady began to weep. This was enough to waver a 3 year old boy.

He was cautious but evidently he was happy. Making such a boy happy or sad is quite hard but this lady did it in an instant. Though the boy was matured than his fellow associates. He was after all three years old. He never doubted the woman and immediately hugged her.

'New millennium could actually bring you surprises 'He blurted out.

The lady looked up to see his face and smiled through her tears.

She asked the boy to pack up his things and went down. After having talked with the head for a while she asked to prepare the litigations to adopt the child. And she was allowed to take the boy right away.

The boy packed the few things he wanted to take with him. Among them there was a few clothes, a bottle and some dices. Taking a child, separating from his friends and native background usually is not this much easy. But this boy, packed the things he wanted and came down in an instant fully prepared to say good bye to the orphanage. It was not such a bad place after all. Sam was just super odd and evidently the blond lady was pleased by the way the boy reacted to things.

'Ready to start a new chapter in your life young boy?' asked the lady.

Boy looked up and nodded.

They reached her home which was far away from the orphanage and was lonely in a huge field.

It's fair enough to call it a castle. There was an apple field beyond the house. And considering the fact that the doors were opened to this part it must belong to this lady as well.

'If she was this much rich why would she dump me?' a question that no child would think of at that time aroused in Sam's mind. But he himself found the answer 'Oh yes, she said she lost me'

She opened the car door for him and let himself in. The mansion was huge and he could see the main stair chase from the front door. The house was clean and well kept. Maintaining such a huge home could not be easy. But strangely he didn't notice any maid or a servant. He wandered a bit, but didn't roam around the house as a three year old could have done. He felt it was impolite to go on in someone's...his mother's house.

He never attempted to make people close to him. He often felt that it was not a right of anyone. When other boys were fighting over some useless toy or for a best friend he was utterly disgusted. It's not like he didn't like the toys. He was just not overly fond of anything. He never tried to possess the right of having something as other kids did. In a way he had an understanding that they were not his. Whatever the reason was he simply wasn't used to explore others' belongings. In short he knew how to mind his own business.

The peculiar behavior of this young boy made a huge impression in the lady. She made a pleasant smile, bent down to her knees and said 'it's all yours go around and check for yourself'

The boy was aghast. 'Is she a mind reader? If she wasn't she has empathy. She exactly got what I'm thinking. She surely is my mom' He thought to himself.

The lady spoke again. 'You may make a lot of friends here dear. They went on rather a long trip for millennium. When they return you may meet with them' she said.

The life was there was quite well. Inspectors from orphanage visited couple of times and noticed that the boy's talking capacity was improving and was leading a luxurious life. So that their visits were soon finished and all the litigations regarding the adoption was done within a month's time

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