01) SRC murder chain

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The environment was gloomy and Margret was walking along in a dark alley. 'Ah! What timing, should I be wandering in streets at night like this while he is still roaming freely?

Well, who is to be blame for letting him out? If I become a victim it's quite fair, after all as police officers it's our duty to catch him '

Her thoughts were puzzling but not even for a moment she was scared. She was rather hoping to meet him in person. She has been working on this serial murder case for years. Yet it's a shame that the culprit leaves some evidence at the scene and still they fail to trace him down. He was a master in his field.

It's not like he kills people every day not even per month. It's been 4 murders for past 4 years and July is coming close. To be exact it's first of July today. Each of the murders took place in the month of July and reporters have done quite a research and thanks to them the police has been criticized all over the town. Whether they were subjected to criticism or not she herself was alerted for the murderer whose talents are quite something.

One could think what skills would a killer needs to kill a timid woman who is walking along in a dark alley? All the victims were 5 feet 6 inches tall to be exact, Blond and quite skilled in martial arts. First lady was a black belt holder in Karate, Second was an expert in Taekwondo and so on. Each time near the murder place he left a message on a wall which was suspected to be marks on the game and SRC won or SRC won again. One could reach a speculation of which a lady could be easily attacked when she was carelessly walking along in a dark alley no matter how great her martial art skills. But the height of all the women being the same make everyone utterly suspicious and scared. How could culprit guess the exact height? Since it's quite impossible, we could guess that the culprit might have done a thorough background check on the victim.

Apart from the above similarities each and every victim was different from one another. They did quite different jobs and was murdered in a specific way each time. First one was choked to death leaving the so called SRC's finger prints all over her neck. Unfortunately we could not match the finger prints with any citizen in the country. To be exact he's not a registered person; citizen. That time he had left a very rare watch which was belonged to a millionaire. It was not hard to find the owner as there were only 3 watches in the country and one of the owners claimed that it was gone missing the very day. A clock, a pan, and an apron was found at the other cases which belonged to certain people, totally unrelated to each other.

Culprit seems to be playing a game with police. But what for? Does killing people make him happy? It seems like it. Anyhow London was expecting the 5th murder of the series this month. (Surely they wanted to save that unfortunate lady whom they know nothing about.) Margret was blond and pretty. Though she was a police officer, she wasn't a great fighter. And most of all she lacked 2 inches to be a choice of the culprit. So that it can be said that she's secured.

She reached her lonely apartment, went in and made herself dinner.

Having being tired after the day's work she sat in front of the TV and started watching news. As expected! She lost her appetite. He's all over the news. It's been like this for past four years when July begins. She felt angry at the reporters for being that much harsh. Surely public must be aware of the murderer so that they could be prepared and avoid such dangers.

But the reporters had one objective. In her eyes she could only notice the cynical remark for police's lethargic work.

She could remember the first time she was taken to see the murder place. Though she was not that timid it was hard to look at the victim. There were bruises all over her body and it hinted that there had been quite a fight at the scene. That memory remained fresh in her memory ever since.

She felt hurt for not being able to do her job properly.

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