02) Confession of a killer

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Time went by without any specific incident related to the SRC murder cases. To their surprise it was the 31st of July and the murder was delayed. Since they were a bit busy with daily lame robberies, accidents and so on, there was no conversation on the subject up until now.

'It has to be today or not this year. He's bored of our ignorance it seems' Charlie made a remark looking at the calendar.

'If he's tired of our stupidity I'm relieved. We are beyond his area. It's better if he let go of those women and start to plan to rob a bank or something. That way a lot including his very good self will be benefited. 'Margret said in response.

"He gets the attention for a month. And today's the margin; I wonder what will happen?"

"It's not for a month I guess, reporters are working on this thoroughly. It's better to get prepared for a long report with accusation."

Police themselves were aware that they were not good enough. Actually they were not made for these sorts of violence. Local police was there just to protect law in the day today activities and not to solve murder cases. At least they simply could not do that.

If such cases are expected to be solved, they must be handed over to private detectives or such parties. The problem with the local police was that they never believed that they were made to dig into such violent activities. In a way they consider such cases as invisible. It's not because they were not sensitive to such cases or did not want to solve them. They simply couldn't. Their time had to be dedicated to a lot of injustice happened all over the town and had no time to spare for a specific case or to chase behind a certain culprit for a long time. So that their attention was on the case only around the month of July.

'Sometimes I feel that we are not doing our job proper enough. If we did, there couldn't be murderers roaming in the society freely." Margret was sincerely worried.

'Hey kid I know that you were upset about not solving the case. But you know we try our best."

'And you don't need to take too much trouble about it. The previous victim was reported to be a drug dealer. It could have been some sort of underworld revenge. That of Course is far beyond our edge'

'Latest comment on SRC murder is that the name was used in later crimes just because they wanted to cover them up. When people think of it as a series it's easier for the killer." Thomas said in rather a jocular manner to cheer up the rest.

'Clearly all the women who engaged themselves in Underworld crimes were blond and 5 feet 6 inches tall! What a coincident! 'Retorted Margret inwardly.

While they were busy having their conversation an unwelcomed visitor intruded. The visitor was rather tall, and can be called skinny .He looked pale and had black hair. He was a boy in his adolescence, probably around 18 years old. He had combed his hair, parted in the middle quite neatly. He looked cautious. He looked wise, ambitious and gloomy.

He had dried cold eyes which for a second gave a shiver to Margret who went towards to greet him.

'Hey, kid how can we help you?'

She was sure she saw him smirk at the remark. Then his bright red motionless eyes met with Margret's.

'I'm here to confess my doings 'said the boy casually. It was near midnight and surely it was odd enough for a high scholar to appear in his school uniform at a police office and state that he was here to confess something. Though part of her wanted to laugh it off she felt the goose bumps appearing in her hands. The boy was at the earnest.

'Mom was right I never was good enough for a police officer what an awkward job that I have chosen. I'm just going to be good enough for traffic controlling' she thought.

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