Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to To Oli and Gem for being two of the best buddies a girl could ask for.

Enjoy everyone!

Chapter 1

It is an odd occurrence when you smile, a happy one, but out of the ordinary nonetheless.

Today, as I sat next to you in your office as you checked your email, your steel colored eyes traced the words on your screen - words that I wasn’t privy to - you smiled. Your smile lit up your very being, it wasn’t sarcastic, nor bitter, it wasn’t calculated, or sarcastic, it simply was.

Your smile, it took my breath away.

And although I had already been staring, somehow I felt that when you smiled, I stared harder.

It suddenly occurred to me that I did not know why you were smiling.

And so I asked. “What is it?”

“What is what?” You mumbled distractedly as you continued to read whatever was on your screen. It bothered me not to be a part of whatever was making you smile, it was impossible for me to see it, as I was sitting on the opposite side of the desk.

“What’s making you smile?”

“…Nothing.” You stated, trying – and failing – to appear nonchalant, as you would not look me in the eye.

“Spill it.” I grinned widely, you rarely hid anything from me, and so whatever you were hiding must have been interesting.

“…Its nothing.”

“C’mon, tell me!” I pleaded.




“…Pretty please?”

“Adelaide! Just let it go!” You growled angrily as you yelled at me. “Leave me alone!”

I pouted and sulked, I had just been teasing, it had been unnecessary for you to yell at me.

As I stood up – still pouting – and turned to leave, your steely gaze rose from your computer screen to glance at me curiously, “Where are you going? Didn’t you just use the bathroom a half hour ago? Don’t tell me you need to go again?”

“I’m going home.”

“Why?” Your eyebrow quirked, in a way that I found sexy and endearing.

I pouted, still upset at you. “You’re the one who told me to leave you alone Lynn.”

You ran your hand through your mane of wavy – not quite curly – golden blonde hair, it was an action that - you seemed to do it subconsciously - you did often when you were frustrated or perplexed. “I didn’t mean for you to actually leave.”

I just pouted even more - I didn’t grace you with a reply - before I turned and strolled leisurely towards the door. My hand was about to reach for the doorknob when I heard footsteps – they were muffled by the carpet covering the floor – behind me. Turning around, I came face to face with you, you wrapped your arms around me like a teddy bear. “I’m sorry I snapped at you, it’s been a long day…” Your much taller frame enveloped mine effortlessly, our 8 inch height difference evident, standing at 5”8, it made you the perfect height for me to be able to bury my face into your neck.

It was my favorite place to be, in your arms that is, I inhaled your scent subtly, you smelled sweet, like melting chocolate, yet there was also the scent of spearmint mixed in, it was sweetly minty, and even in my attempt to describe it, your scent was simply indescribable. It was simply you.

“Apology accepted.” I muttered into your neck, my voice came out muffled.

You let out a rich chuckle, “You’re so easy.”

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