Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I looked out the small window of the plane as the doors closed, I was sitting in the window seat of first class on a direct flight to Paris, France. You would be getting married today, I sighed and turned to see a lady making her way down the aisle, she was very, very attractive, and a very famous fellow author- as well as singer and movie director – who was a couple of years older than me. Emily Gem Carlie. And yes, I was a totally huge fan. When she put her bag down in the seat next to me, I nearly fainted. As it was, I swooned…just a bit. She and Olivia Rawd Jameson were the biggest authors of our time! 

Emily gave me a brilliant smile, one that was reminiscent of the sun. “Hey, I’m a huge fan, my name is Emily Carlie, but you beautiful, may call me Emy.”



I sprinted all the way from my car to the elevator of your building, jabbing the up button furiously, waiting impatiently for your private elevator to arrive.

The concierge was looking at me oddly but he didn’t say a word, he knew that I was a friend of the owner of the building: you.



The annoyingly loud chime of your private elevator had never sounded more beautiful to my ears.

I pounded loudly on your door, but after hearing no trace of movement from behind your door, I grabbed the key from the plant pot by your door – the place where you always left it for me – and I entered your apartment.

What I saw inside shook me to the very core….I saw nothing. It was empty, save for a couple of old clothes in a corner and a single coffee table that I had once bought you. On it laid a thick stack of paper that was stapled together, and an envelope. The stack of paper was a manuscript for a book, entitled ‘Fall’ I tore open the envelope, it was addressed to me anyways. The letter inside was tearstained, and it read:

Dear Lynn,

You’ll probably never come find me, and this letter will probably remain unread forever, but I’ll write it for my peace of mind. I love you, I’ve never told you because there was always someone else in your life, and you never showed any interest in me. I was always your sister, and your confidante, and I’ve grown to accept it, even if it still saddens me deeply. I’ve decided to heed your words and to disappear, if you’re reading this, then you’ve sought me out. Please, don’t try to find me, I think that by now it’s clear where you stand on our relationship, and I think that it’d be for the best for the both of us if we never crossed paths again. Although I’ll be gone, I will never forget you, and I doubt that I’ll ever stop loving you. But I’ll try to stay away, I promise, you’ll never see me again. 

Forever yours,




Fall (:GxG:)Where stories live. Discover now