Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The next morning, I visited made many calls. First to my publishing agent, who deemed it alright for me to write and publish my work from France. The next was to Alpha Industries, my parents’ company, I spoke with my secretary, my old friend Joey Montgomery would temporarily take over my CEO seat on the board of directors of the company, I trusted him to manage it well, as he was an old family friend. When my secretary patched him through to me, he expressed concern over my sudden departure, but thankfully he understood that it was urgent that I leave the country.

It was necessary for me to step down as CEO - even if I could do my job from another country, namely France - and to become a ghost board member because Weston Enterprises and Alpha Industries were joint companies, if I kept my position, I would be going against your wishes, for we’d have to see each other regularly…like we used to. And you, you never wanted to see me again. Your wish had been my command, and so shall it be. It would be my last gift to you.

And so, with everything settled, and all my things having been arranged to be moved to my new penthouse shortly after my arrival, everything was settled for my departure.

Those last two days, I threw myself into my writing, I began a new tale, about us both. And in those two days, I knew that even as I wrote that the ending was still unknown. But still, I wrote, I ate little, slept not a wink and I wrote.

I wrote our tale, my hands flew in a flurry over the keyboard on my laptop, and at the end of those two days, I was finally done. It was unedited, but I left it the way it was, perhaps, I’d go back to it someday and write an ending.

Amongst the pile of things that I’d leave behind in my old penthouse, I left you a letter, one that caused me to shed many tears as I wrote it. I left with it also, a copy of the manuscript for the book that I had written in two days, a startling tale of 199 unedited pages altogether, entitled “Fall.” That is, if you ever came looking for me.

And so with one last glance, I left my penthouse behind, dropping my key into the pot by the door where you would always be able to find it if you wished.

But you never would, would you?

No, you would not, for you had chosen. After all, today was your wedding day.

Goodbye, Lynn.


Elsewhere, from Lynn’s POV.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" My mom woke me up, by opening the curtains. I groaned, the light was so bright! “Oh don’t be like that dear, you’re getting married today!”

Bolting upwards, I sat up so fast that I gave myself whiplash. I stumbled towards the washroom to brush my teeth, my bridesmaids were waiting around downstairs to help me get ready, along with a team of hair and makeup artists.  My mom handed me a manila envelope when I got out, it only had my name and address on it, no sender’s name… “I’ll be waiting downstairs.”

Opening it curiously, I found a USB that I brought over to my laptop, and inserted. It was completely empty save for an audio file that I opened and played, curious as to its contents. What I heard made me sick.

“Yes sweetheart. By next week I’ll be married to the billionaire bitch, and then in a couple months, I’ll get that divorce and we’ll be living like queens for the rest of our lives okay?”

“No, I still haven’t paid off that debt to Jimmy.”

“Yes, yes, I know that it’s a couple hundred thousand dollars now, I’ll do it soon, and I’ll have access to the bitch’s wallet soon anyway.”

“Yes! I’m aware that he’s a loan shark. I know! It’s been 5 years, and his interest rate is steep. Look, I’ll fix it soon.”

“Look babe. Meth wasn’t, and still isn’t cheap, you know that. I had to take that loan, I hadn’t had any in days!”

“Okay, I love you too. I’ll talk to you later.”

When I came downstairs, my mom was glaring at me accusingly, she was sitting on my couch in the living room. “Where’s Adelaide?”  My mother asked angrily, as she stood up with her hands on her hips.

“She…won’t be coming.”

“And why not? My other daughter should be here for your second big day!” My mother demanded angrily.

“She… I thought that she was making up false stories about Jill because she was jealous that I spent all my time with Jill… I told her that I didn’t believe her, and that I never wanted to see her again. But the stories were right, I can’t marry Jill.” I trailed off, suddenly realizing how silly I had been to go overboard in saying that I’d never want to see her again. What if she’d actually taken my words to heart? I panicked, I didn’t want my best friend to disappear from my life forever!

“You better go and get her young lady, Adelaide is so in love with you, and you picked that no good lying bitch over her.  I am going to go find your father, and we’ll cancel the wedding. Now you had better fix this, I want my other daughter back, or so help me god, you’re grounded for the rest of your life.”

Thoughts flew through my mind as I ran towards my car, in a full out sprint. And started it, and began driving at a madwoman speed.

Adelaide loves me! Do I love her back? Yes…yes I do. I had treated her like nothing, when really, she was my everything. Adelaide! Please don’t let me be too late, please! I’m sorry! It should have been you that I had believed. You should have been the lady waiting for me at the alter right now. But instead I messed everything up. Please Adelaide, forgive me. I love you, not Jamie, not Jill, you. Jamie looked like you, I realized, and that was why I had deluded myself into thinking that I loved her. Jill was your complete opposite, and that was why I had tried moving on with her. But it had all been a mistake, the world’s biggest, dumbest mistake. Adelaide! Please don’t let me be too late! Don’t let me be too late to say that I love you!

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