Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Later that night, in your bathroom, using your 'his' and 'her' sinks - 'her' and 'her' sinks really - we got ready for bed together.

"Don't forget your contacts." You said, before turning off your sink and leaving.

"I never have." I addressed no one in particular, my words disappearing quickly in the cool bathroom air.

Deftly opening my toiletries bag, I removed 2 small packages, containing contact lenses. With near perfect vision, I didn't need the contact lenses for their sight enhancement, I tore the foil from the plastic, and carefully put a small piece of clear plastic on each eye.

When I was done I glared into the mirror at my reflection, and I wondered what you had seen in my sister. My normally emerald eyes had become a startlingly clear azure, I looked just like Jamie. It seemed like in the eyes of the world, I always looked like her, she never looked like me, it didn't matter if she was only older than me by a minute and a half.

Why? Why did I have to introduce my sister to Lynn? Why? Why did Lynn fall for Jamie in a matter of months, while I had been trying to get Lynn to do so, for 5 years before that? All I ever seemed to be was Lynn's best friend and confidante. Oh, and Jamie's ghost too.

I exited the bathroom and slipped under your sheets beside you, on the left side, as per usual. You greeted me with a soft kiss. "I love you Jamie." Your hands slowly drifted lower and lower, as did mine. "Jamie!" You moaned into our kiss.

I wanted to scream at you, to tell you that my name is Adelaide, not Jamie!

You'd never call my name though, after all, who could ever love an imitation, a copy, a fake?


"Morning" I paused to yawn. "Lynn."

"Adelaide." You curtly greeted me, the morning afters over the years had all been awkward on your part.

You were dressing quickly, and I positioned myself in a semi propped up position on one arm, the sheet covered my garmentless body...barely. "Are you going somewhere?" I inquired curiously.

"Work." Was your monosyllabic response.

"But it's your day off? Besides, you need to rest and relax, you're always so busy." I pointed out.

"Yeah well, I've decided not to take the day off, after all, my multibillion dollar empire did not get where it was through rest and relaxation. As CEO of Weston Enterprises, I cannot afford to take any time out of my busy schedule for rest and relaxation, and you should know that by now." You said it in such an angry, yet defensive tone, that it scared me. Coupled with my worry for you, your tirade made my heart wrench.

I got up, and approached you - sheet still wrapped around my body - and enveloped your taller form into my embrace, before leaning my head on your shoulder.

"I don't mean to discredit what you do, it's just... You're always so tired, and I worry about you." I murmured softly in your ear.

Your steely gaze softened a bit when I pulled back and did my best puppy dog impression. Quietly - begrudgingly- you said. "I guess I can take a day off, just this once."

I flashed you a grin, I knew that I had just done the impossible, I had gotten you to take the day off!

"So what are we doing today?" You asked curiously.

"Hmm, well it's raining... How does a couple more hours in bed, another hour in the shower, and then some breakfast sound?" I asked cheekily, with a grin on my face.

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