Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

A Couple Months Later

“Where are you going?” I drowsily asked, lounging lazily on your bed, after taking a catnap, waiting for you to come home from work. My laptop was taking up your spot on the bed.

You were dressing quickly, as if you were in a rush. Running a hand through your hair – you seemed to be frustrated – you sighed.

“I’m running late, my reservation at Di Angelo is in an hour and a half, and I can’t find anything to wear.”

“Di Angelo’s? It’s awfully fancy, are you having another business meeting with that guy Ki-something from Japan?” I inquired curiously.

“Nah, I’ve got a big date with Jill, it’s our 1 year anniversary, remember? Besides, its Valentine’s day.”

“You got together on Valentine’s day?” I asked amusedly, even though inside, my heart was screaming at you.

“Yep. Now help me get ready.”



“Wear the black one.”

“But it’s so slutty!” You exclaimed.

“Hey! I got you that one!”

“…You did?” You chuckled nervously.

“Yep. It’s not slutty! Now go try it on.”

“You know what? I just noticed that in this light it’s not so slutty after all, in fact, it’s pretty classy.”


I stepped out of the bathroom to allow you to put on your dress in privacy. I had already fixed your hair, and helped with your makeup.

Sitting on the bed I waited for you to come out.

I picked up my laptop and continued writing, the plot for my story was going along well, and my required writing for my publisher’s deadline was already done. Today had been a good day for my creativity, my words quite literally littered the pages, I had progressed a lot today.

Hearing the door open, I set my laptop to one side, and watched you step out of the bathroom. My jaw dropped in shock and awe, you looked…amazing.

“How do I look?” You asked nervously. You always did before one of your dates, it didn’t matter that my answer was always the same.

“You look amazing. Perfect. Beyond beautiful.”

You looked at me, really looked at me in that moment. Crossing the room in swift strides, you brushed the back of your hand across my right cheek. “You really are too good to me, Adelaide. I love you.” Then you kissed me. Eventually we broke apart to breathe.

We waited together in silence for the time where you would leave, you were early anyways, we had finished in record time. I was writing, and you were reading over my shoulder. “I really do love your writing Adelaide, I must be your number one fan since I’m always the first one to read your work.”


Everything was silent after that, because I was so focused on my work and your warm breath on my neck.

I suddenly noticed that you were tapping your left hand on the bed, something that you only did when you were nervous.

“What’s wrong?” I asked curiously.

“Nothing’s wrong.”

“Do you haveta go tonight?”


Petulantly, I crossed my arms and whined – a tad childishly, but only a tad! – “But we always spend Valentine’s Day together! And you promised that we’d go try that new dessert place!”

“I can’t stay tonight.” You seemed conflicted.

“Why not?!?” I exclaimed childishly.

“I just can’t.”

I set my laptop to one side and poked you in the ribs. “Why not?”

“I can’t.”

“Why can’t you?”



“Because I’m going to propose to Jill tonight.”


“Yes, oh indeed. Don’t wait up for me tonight, I’m not coming home.”

We sat in silence until you stood to leave. You were nervous and lost in thought, and I, I was dying. Dying inside. My heart had been broken many a time by you, but never, ever had you done something that made my heartbreak seem permanent.

You wanted to marry her?

What did she have that I didn’t?


Pecking me on the cheek before leaving, what you called over your shoulder as you shut the door made my heart skip a beat.

“Love ya!”

Now if only you would say that in a non-platonic way.


Later that night, as I hugged your pillow in the way I normally hugged you, I cried. My tears stained your pillow, and replaced your scent with the scent of salt. You seemed so out of reach now.

That is until I replayed our conversation from earlier in my head. “You really are too good to me, Adelaide. I love you.” You hadn’t called me Jamie, even if I had been wearing the contact lenses. Perhaps there was hope after all…

Thanks for reading. Please Vote-Comment-Fan. The next chapter will be released tomorrow. I know this was a little short, but it was an appropriate place to end the chapter.


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