Ashita no Kioku (Tomorrow's Memories)

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I wanted the sunset I saw with you on that day to go on forever

Although in a memory, I reach out my hand to try to touch it over and over

Because I'll never be able to get back the same scenery and the same feelings again

I'll stop looking back on the shining dreams of the past

You know, you couldn't always get what you wish. You couldn't always get what you wants.

Seokjin was so young when he met Namjoon for the very first time. He was in love and the only thing he wanted was to be loved back. Unfortunately, the man was never return his feelings and ended married with the woman he choosed. It was years ago.



Seokjin couldn't help to not spacing out again. He smiled as he watched those bussy people with their own concerns rushed their walk on the train station plafform from the clear glass window of the bullet train Shinkansen which would leave to take him heading to Kyoto in less than five minutes. He would have another journey, a new one as he wanted to start a new life.

He heard someone took a heavy steps, came from behind and the person hardly catched his breath when a moment later the train started to move. He decided not to care. This person probably late and about to left behind and it was not his bussiness to take care of. He was about to put his pink headphone and listening to Arashi songs he adores when a deep husky voice pinched the deepest part of his heart.

"Fuck that disfuctioned alarm clock and traffic jam."

Seokjin turned his head. He was there. The man he loved was there. The man who stole his whole heart and break it at the same time was there. The man was still bussy with his belonging and didn't realize the person sat near the window was staring at him shockingly.

"It's a bloody messy cold morning ev—" The man paused his sentence when his beads finally catched Seokjin's. He shook his head and slowly sit on the seat beside the pretty one. "How come..." He laughed. "After years..."

Seokjin put the headphone on his lap and laid his head back down, staring the object as he played his thumbs nervously. Couldn't say any word nor greetings.

Even important memories will start to fade someday

Looking away from reality, I ran away to the word called "dreams"

"I heard from Yoongi, you were married."

Seokjin nodded.

"I couldn't contact you since you were married and Yoongi said you moved to Japan and stayed in Tokyo..." Namjoon reached Seokjin's palm and lightly squeezed it. "I'm sorry to hear about Hyosang, Jin..."

No answer.

"If only..."

"He was a good man." Seokjin raised his head to face the man beside him. "He was kind and the nicest person I have ever met in my life after my parents." Seokjin bit his lower lip. Remembering Hyosang in such moment would always brought him to tears. "I tried to love him back. And I loved him. I loved him, Namjoon..."

Namjoon took a deep breath and sighed. "He was so lucky to have you. At least, he must be really happy and thankful to finally have you. All about you were all beautiful. If only I realize it earlier."

Seokjin and Namjoon were trapped on the same bitter past. Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hyosang were Namjoon's senior on college. They attended in the same faculty but different departement in the University of Seoul. Hyosang and Yoongi were Seokjin's classmate in the Senior High School. But Seokjin knew Namjoon long before. They were neighbor and childhood friends. Have been together for a long time, Seokjin realized he grew feelings for Namjoon and kept it hide inside his heart until he couldn't hold it anymore.

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