2. Worry

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Dream slipped out of the house at around 2 in the morning. He had made sure George and Sapnap were asleep before he snuck out.

He walked towards L'manberg, leaving the Smp behind him. As he walked along the familiar landscape, he heard voices.

He quickly hid in the shadows, Nightmare had made it easy for him to hide in them and no one would notice unless they had really, really good senses or were just paranoid enough to shine a light at the shadows.

Unfortunately for Dream, it was Techno and Fundy who walked by.

They both turned as the walked by, talking. Techno turned because he could sense something alive, but Fundy (since he's a fox hybrid) was able to see Dream hidden.

"Dream? What are you doing here?" The ginger asked, walking towards him and reaching his hand out.

"I wanted to look around at the new buildings but I heard you guys and got nervous." He said, stepping out of the shadow and walking over to them.

Fundy and Techno both looked at one another, doubt in their eyes, but they didn't question it. Instead, Fundy took Dream's hand and said, "I'll show you the new buildings!"

"Sure. I just wanna make sure I have time to train after this." Dream said, being pulled along by Fundy.

"I know! You can spar with me!" Techno said, smiling excitedly, "It's been forever!"

"And who's fault is that?" Dream muttered, forgetting those two could her better than everyone. 

Fundy's ears and tails instantly drooped, which made Dream feel bad. He immediately felt guilty (because Nightmare wasn't around to manipulate his emotions) and stopped walking.

"I'm sorry guys. It's just...been difficult." Dream said, gently petting Fundy on the head as an apology.

Fundy smiled, blushing as Dream pet him, "It's okay Dream. I don't blame you, its our fault." He looked away in shame then.

He quickly turned back, grabbing Dream's hand and leading him towards the new parts of L'manberg.

As they walked around, Techno couldn't help but notice a strange shimmer in the air that appeared when they say down at the doc. The shimmer was beside Dream, and the area suddenly got a bit colder.

Dream shivered slightly, and so did Fundy but Techno was used to it because of where his base was.

"So...Dream do you need to get materials or anything? You seem like you could use some tools or armor." Techno said, "If you want, I could help ya get some Netherite."

He watched Dream look to where he shimmer appeared and smirked slightly, nodding just a little bit. "No need."

He held his hand out, and a netherite pickaxe appeared out of nowhere. Whenever someone got an item from their inventory, it would take a second for it to appear, and it would slowly appear.

But this pickaxe...it seemed like he just created it out of nothing. Techno and Fundy knew people with admin powers could create stuff but it cost XP and an announcement would appear in the sky, just like with deaths(I made it this way so it wasn't too op)

"Something wrong?" Dream asked innocently as the two stared in shock.

"Don't you know admins can summon items faster?" Dream asked, but neither Fundy or Techno believed him.

He seemed to pick up on the uncomfortable mood and smirked, "What? Did you think I just sat there crying the whole time? I gathered enough XP to do this instantly."

Neither of them believed him, but both were worried.

"Dream. You know you can tell is what happened while you were there.....right?" Fundy said, gently putting a hand on Dream's shoulder.

Nightmare glared at Dream, "Don't trust them!" He disappeared, which made Dream lean his head on Fundy's shoulder.

Fundy's face turned pink, but he turned to Techno only to get a glare. If looks could kill, he'd be 12 feet under.

He looked away, looking back at the masked man. "Dream, you should probably go to bed. It's really late."

"Why are you two up then?" He asked, looking up at Fundy.

"I was just going home from Philza's house. So was Techno, but we ran into you." Fundy explained, brushing back some of Dream's blonde hair.

"Oh. I guess I'll go home, we can train tomorrow." Dream said, getting up and stretching. Techno and Fundy walked him home, and said their good-byes.

As Dream went inside, both of them turned to each other. "I'm worried. I think bein' alone really messed him up. Why did we do that in the first place!?" Fundy said, wiping away the tears in his eyes.

Techno looked away, "It doesn't matter! We just gotta...make him normal again, and make sure he's happy."

"Yeah...I guess that's all we can do." Fundy agreed, before saying goodbye and heading home.

Techno began to go towards Philza's house in L'manberg, he was gonna be staying there until the whole Dream situation was sorted out. As Techno walked home, he thought about how different Dream seemed, how he was talking to.... something, and how he summoned thst pickaxe outta nowhere.

Techno sighed as he walked in the house, he was really worried about Dream.

Meanwhile, Dream was sitting on his bed, talking to Nightmare who was sitting beside him.

"Why did you want me to summon a tool in front of them?" He asked, looking to Nightmare.

Nightmare smirked, "To make a point. They know you've gotten very powerful in the time you've been gone. It'll show them how you don't need them and that you're strong without them." He explained, "It'll also teach 'em not to mess with you."

"I guess...it's just...they seemed like they missed me alot." Dream said, looking down sadly.

"Oh Dream." Nightmare said, putting a hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner, "Those are the old feelings for them. Back when they used to care about you, but remember, they attacked you and left you alone to die. They didn't even look for you."

"I guess." Dream said sadly, laying down on the bed, "But they seemed so genuine though."

"I know, Dream. I know. But they're liars, they're just waiting for the chance to actually kill you." Nightmare said sympathetically, "It'll be okay though. You just need to train some more, and then we can begin the plan. Don't forget the purpose here."

Dream nodded, they did form back for the plan, and he was gonna follow it through.

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