~♪♩ Chapter 2♩♪~ ~In London, Amnesia part 1~

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I was at the Shining Master Course, alone. I was composing music, then Ittoki - kun and Ichinose - san came in, Ittoki - kun looked sad and Ichinose - san too. Ichinose - san and Ittoki - kun looked at me, they walked towards me, Ittoki - kun said,

Otoya - Nanami... Why are you leaving... Us?

Nanami - Huh?

Otoya - Why are you leaving us?!

Nanami - What are you talking about?

Otoya - Why?! Just why?!

Ichinose - Nanami - san! Just answer!

Nanami - Whay are you talking about?!

Otoya - Answer Us!!!

The 2 boys were shouting at me, but I dont know why! Why are they mad? Did I do something? Otoya grabbed my arm yelled at me many times,  he threw me down, and Ichinose was trying to calm him, but Otoya went crazy, Otoya had a knife with him, and was about to stab me, then I woke up. That was just a dream..?! **sigh** I l8oked at Hakura, he was sleeping. I looked at the window by my side, it was night.

Haruka - **sigh** Thank goodness its a dream.

Hakura - Hnn.. Haruka?

Haruka - Ah, sorry. Did I wake you?

Hakura - No.. Not really.

Haruka - When are we landing?

Hakura - almost... arriving.. there.. soon..

*~Skip, in London~*

We got our bags, and head out ghe airport,

Hakura - Haruka, stay here. Dont get lost, Im just calling our driver.

Haruka - Okay. **yawn**

Hakura walked away for a bit, and called someone. Moments later, he came back.

Hakura - The driver will be coming soon. Haruka? What's wrong?

Haruka - I feel kinda sleepy.. Its night time in Japan now.

Hakura - Oh yeah..

Soon, our car arrived. The driver got our bags, and we went to the agency. We arrived, and Hakura got me to my dorm. He put my things out the door, he lead me too the President's office, there's another president. Even though its a Saotome Agency.

President - Miss Nanami, im glad you arrived early. Im Ms. Saotome, Shining's sister. (Made up)

I didnt know Shining had a sister. Well, calm down.

Haruka - **bows**

President - Im Glimmer. I know, its meaning sounds like 'Shining'. Our parents gave us wierd names. Well, its nice to meet you Miss Nanami.

Haruka - Its very nice to meet you, Ms. Saotome.

President - Okay, rest for now. Unpack, and your work starts tomorrow.

Haruka - Alright. **bows**

President - You can leave now! :)

Haruka - Bye.

I walked to my dorm, I already know. Hakura showed me earlier. So my roommate is Nunnaly.. Yosh! I arrived at my dorm, and knocked,  but where's my bags? Someone answer,

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