~♪♩ Chapter 3♩♪~ ~ Chances, part 1~

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Ugh.. pain.. I feel pain.. what happened?

Pain. Pain is all you recieved since you came here.

Memories.. where?

Memories. It will always reset when you find out about the truth.

When... will I.. get back..? I want to be at Orpheus...

Sorry Haruka. You cant...


??? - Her wound is deep! We need to do the surgery immediately!

??? - Doc, she lost too much blood!

??? - Do whatever you can! Just make sure she survives! Haruka!

??? - What happened to her?!

??? - Nanami - kun, she will be fine! We will do what we can!

I heard many noises, voices. I feel my body shaking... ugh! I.. I feel.. pain...

Haruka's siblings POV

Haruka... promise me you'll survive!

Heruki - Harunee will be fine right?! Haranii!

Haraka - She will. I know she will. She's not that weak.

Hiruko - Of course she will! We wont loose her...

My 2 brothers, Haruka's friends.. are so worried about Haruka... why did this happen? I pray for her surgery to be a success.

Haraka's POV

I bit my bottom lip thinking about Haruka. She always had poor health, it will take months for her to recover the pain...

Heruki - Tch. If she just let that thief go, this wouldn't have happened...

Haruko - Haruka has a kind heart, of course she wouldnt leave it. But.. she was stabbed..

Nunnaly - Haraka - kun, when did you get here?

Haraka - Hm? Vibrita, since yesterday. I was supposed to visit the building, but I saw Haruka, she was serious, I saw a guy wearing a black jacket coming to Haruka with a knife in his hand. Then stabbed Haruka, so I came.. to check... then I saw.. Haruka.. on the ground.. Hahaha.. you know? Its funny.. I couldn't do anything while my little precious sister was there... how useless can her big brother be..? Im a disgrace to Haruka, if she knew I was there, and she could be dead by now, I know she'd cast a grudge on me.. I know she'd d--

Nunnaly - Dont say that! She's not dead! How could you say that?! Haruka's wouldn't do such a thing! Haruka's kind, and she's innocent! She wouldn't cast a grudge on her big brother! Haraka, its true! Your a disgrace to Haruka! You said careless things! Do you want her to di--!!

Nunnaly... before Nunnaly finished her sentence, she was cut off by a guy. He grabbed Nunnaly's shoulder, he said,

??? - Nunnaly. Stop it. Just.. believe. That she'll be fine.

Nunnaly - Azusa.. - kun..? ... your right. Azusa - kun, thanks. Im fine now.

Azusa - Now. Lower your voice... you'll disturb other people.

About 1 hour later, the doctor of Haruka came out the surgery room. She looked disappointed. My gosh, I hope nothing bad happened...

Doc - Nanami - kun, everyone. Miss Haruka survived it, but I cannot promise anything. The nurse's already put her in her room. Her heartbeat is weak, and breathing too. She might.. not wake up...

The new Idol? Haruka~?!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat