~♪♩ Chapter 2♩♪~ ~In London, Amnesia part 2~

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I feel broken.. like I dont have my half... Why? What happened? Why did it happen? **siiiiigh**

Nunnaly - Haruka? What's wrong?

Haruka - What happened?

Nunnaly - To you?

Haruka - Yeah.

Nunnaly - You were hit by a car...

Haruka - Thats all?

Nunnaly - Yes, really hard. You got hit really hard. Its a miracle you survived.

Haruka - A miracle... Huh..?

Nunnaly - Sorry, but I have work to do. If you need something, just call or text me. Okay? I'll come right away.

Haruka - Okay.

Nunnaly - Rest, or compose music. Just dont strain yourself, dont make yourself tired.

Haruka - Okay..

Nunnaly - Bye Haruka!

Haruka - bye.

I take my big white and fluffy pillow, and put it on my lap. I hug it, and soon. My phone vibrated again, it is.. Itokki Otoya? Who? It was recording,

"Nanami! Why aren't you answering our calls? And texts? We're veeeery worried! We asked the Headmaster, but he wont tell us. He looked sad, did something bad happen? Nanami... Answer us... Please..."

How did he know my name? The Headmaster.. I should call him. I pressed buttons, and called the Headmaster. He answered,

"Headmaster - Miss Nanami, how are you?

Haruka - Im fine, Headmaster. Who's Ittoki Otoya?

Headmaster - ... He's a friend of yours.

Haruka - A friend? I dont know him...

Headmaster - Do you want me to tell them?

Haruka - No... I wouldn't want a friend to worrry. Headmaster, please make them stop worrying about me. Yes, I dont know them, but please.

Headmaster - Okay.

Haruka - Thank you. Headmaster, when will I be able to work?

Headmaster - When you have fully recovered. Miss Nana--

I heard a door open, from the phone. And voices, I listened carefully.

??? - Headmaster! Please answer us! Why is Nanami not answering?!

Huh? Is that? Who?

??? - Headmaster! Please! We want to know!

??? - Mm, Headmaster. Tell us why.

Headmaster - She's busy, she wont be able to answer. She's busy working there in London. Now, please leave at once!

??? - Nanami would never do that! Even if she has work, she would still answer the phone!

Headmaster - Then talk to her!

I  heard air, from the speaker. Someone took the phone, I heard,

??? - Nanami? This it Otoya.. Why wont you answer our calls?

Haruka - ... Who.. are you?

Otoya - Its me, Otoya!

Haruka - Otoya.. Who? I dont know anyone.. called Otoya. How did you know me?

The new Idol? Haruka~?!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz