~♪♩ Chapter 1♩♪~ ~Trip to London, Part 2~

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Haruka was walking to the canteen to buy something to drink, while she was walking she saw Tomochika, Tomachika said,

Tomo - Haruka~! What's up?!

Haruka - ...

**Haruka just keeps walking**

Tomo - Haruka ~~!

** pokes Nanami's back**

**Haruka looks back**

Haruka - Ah, Tomochika - san. What is it ?

Tomo - Tomochika ? You usually call me Tomo - chan. Whats wrong ? Your eyes are sore and red, did you cry ?

**Nanami wipes her eyes**

Haruka - Huh?? No, i didnt cry. (Nanami's voice was soar and sad)

Tomo - Haruka..?

Haruka - Ah, Gome. I need to get going.

**Walks away**

Tomo - Haruka?

Haruka bought water. She ran back to her room, when she was inside her room, she saw her ticket on the table.

Haruka - Huh? How did this get here ? Well, I better start packing.

While Haruka was packing, she heard a knock on the door. She stands up and goes to the door and opens it. She saw Starish and Tomichika.

Tomo - Haruka, what's the problem? You can tell us. We're your friends right?

Nanami - ... **looks down**

Haruka was about to close the door, Syo, Otoya and Tokiya tried to stop it.

Haruka - Let go...

Tokiya - Nanami - san! Why?! Why are you leaving Japan?

Nanami - ...

Syo - Nanami, Tell us why!

Otoya - Nanami! We're your friends! Dont you trust us?

Nanami - Let go!

I.T. , S.K. , O.I. - Nanami!

Syo - (She's stronger than she looks, 3 guys tying to open the door with one girl on the side trying to close the door. Why is she so strong?)

Haruka - Fine.

**Haruka Lets go of the door knob**

**Otoya,Syo and Tokiya crashes in**

Syo - Ittai~!

Tokiya - Ouch.

Otoya - Aww, ouch~!

Nanami - Why ? What's your business with me?

Tokiya - Nanami, why are you leaving ?

Nanami - I have business in london.

Syo - For Six Years?!

Nanami - It isnt that long.

Otoya - Your leaving on Saturday?! On 4:00?!

Nanami - Why are you so bothered about this? I'll still compose for you! I'll send it! Ok?!

**Pushes them out and closes then slams the door**

Starish - Nanami ~!

Tomo - Haruka !

Nanami - Leave me alone ~!

Syo - Nanami! Why? Why are you leaving us?!

Nanami - Leave me alone! Please... Just leave...

Starish and Tomo - ...Haruka...

Nanami was confused about her decisions, she didnt know what to do, she stayed in her room and continued packing. Then while she was clearing her drawers, she saw a CD of Starish, "Maji Love 1000" was the title of the CD. She looked at the CD with such sad eyes. She shedded tears down her cheecks. She opened her laptop and started the program. She puts the CD inside and watches the video. While she was watching, she smiled and cried with the happiness of her memories.

*Ting Tong*

She recieved an email from Shining,

"To Miss Nanami

From Saotome Shining,

Miss Nanami, have you packed your things? When your done packing, please come to my office again. I want you to meet Hakura, your escort, he just arrived. He wanted to escort you from here to London, please come soon. We will be waitung for you.

-Shining Saotome- ★"

Nanami tilted her head to the right and remembered about Hakura, she said,

Nanami - Hakura...Hakura? Hmm... I recognize that name... But, i dont remeber... Well! I better hurry up packing.

Trying to Remember Hakura, Haruka didnt mind. She finished packing, just leaving a few hings that she needs for the continuing days. She went out and walked to the headmaster's office. While she walked the way, she saw Starish sitting out in the park with Tomichika depressed. She was looking at them with sad eyes. You stopped walking while looking at them. Meanwhile, you heard someone shouting your name, the voice sounded like a guy's voice, you looked where the sound was coming from and saw someone familiar. While he was shouting your name, getting STARISH's attention, he was running to you, at full speed. He said,

??? - Haruka~~!!! Haruka!!!

Nanami - Hmm? Hakura...? HAKURA!

**Hakura runs to you and hugs you tightly**

Hakura - Haruka! I didnt realize that the girl I was escorting was you!

Haruka - Sakura~~! I missed you !

While Hakura and Haruka was hugging, STARISH was glaring at the guy meanly. The boys' faces were so suprised, seeing Haruka hug someone freely. The boys started a conversation while watching Haruka.

Otoya - Naniii~?!

Tokiya - Nanami?!

Syo - Who the hell is he?!

(~ Hey, guys~! I just made Hakura/Sakura! Dont take it seriously! Icouldnt think of a name! I was writting early around 3:00 ㏂ and finished on 5:00 ㏂, I was working hard. I had eyebags~! I hope you guys like it~! Now! I will continue the story!~)

Masato - Why did he hug Nanami ?!

Ren - Lady...? Im gonna get him.

Otoya - Ren~! Dont, Nanami will get mad!

Ren - but...

Natsuki - Ren, lets leave them? Lets just stalk them. Ahehe~

Syo - Nightmares are coming.

While the boys were talking, Haruka and Hakura walked to the Headmaster's office. Hakura was very cheerful to Haruka. He made Haruka smile.

Hakura - So~, Haru, how are you?

Haruka - Im good, but depressed lately.

Hakura - Aww, your cute when your depressed Haru~!

Haruka - Ermm, look! We're here!

Haruka runs to the door of the headmaster's office, avoiding the conversation, they knocked on the door and opened it. Iwent inside amd bowed to him. He smiled and said like a crazy person as usual,

Headmaster - Miss Nanami~~~~! Im glad you came early! So, you know Hakura?

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