~♪♩ Chapter 1♩♪~ ~Trip to London, Part 1~

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While I was composing music, early in a Sunday morning. My phone vibrated, I recieved a text from Saotome - san.

"To : Haruka Nanami

From : Shining Saotome ,

Miss Nanami, good morn~~~ing! Please come to my office as soon as You can~! I have an offer for you. Please come soon. Thank you.

-Saotome Shining- ★ "

"Huh~? I better go, it must be very important." I said to myself. I walked to his office, and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard inside the office, i went inside and saw Saotome - san, and Tsukimiya - sensei.

Haruka - Why did you call for me, head master?

Shining - Miss Nanami, i have a job for you. Will you do it?

Haruka - Yes~! I dont have anything to do, so ok!

Shining - I need you to go abroad.

Haruka - Ok! Wait, WHAT?!

Shining - You must be tired of waiting for STARISH and doing nothing.

Haruka - Thats true... How long will i stay abroad?

Shining - Six years.

Haruka - Six years? But, what about starish? How will i compose for them?

Shining - oh yes... I will give you a laptop you will type the music you will be making and email them to me. I will print them and give them to STARISH. But, dont tell them that your going abroad. They wont notice, because they have a lot of work to do! They wont have enough time to spend~! Bwahahahahagahahahahahaha~!

Haruka - Ok, where am I going?

Shining - To london! You will be staying in one of my Agencies, you will have new work - mates. You will be escorted by my friend, his name is Hakura Tochiki, he will also be your work partner, he is an new idol. He is not so famous, but he knows many. And your flight is next week on Saturday, 4:00 ㏂ . You will go alone, meet Hakura in the London Airport, he will be waiting for you in the section 6. You better pack all of your things soon.

Haruka - Alright.

Shining - here take this.

*Shining hands Haruka a laptop and the ticket to London*

Haruka - Thank you. I need to go now. Good bye, Head Master.

Ringo - Good Luck Haru - Chan!

Haruka - Thank you Tsukiniya - sensei!

Haruka left the office, She let out a sigh, and thought " Its okay Haruka. Its just six years, you can live without them right?" Haruka looks down,

She was walking straight to the practice room,she was so silent, no one noticed her, Starish was practicing, she went inside and went to her work desk and got her things, Syo saw Haruka and said,

Syo - Ah, Nanami. Ohayou.

Nanami - ...

Otoya - Nanami?

Nanami - ...

*Nanami sheds tears down her cheecks*

She stopped walking, she was going to the door, and was about to turn the door knob, before she noticed she was crying, tears were falling out of her eyes. Starish was staring at her.

Nanami - Minna... Im sorry...


Nanami wipes her tears away and leaves the room. She ran to her dorm, while she was running she accidentaly dropped her ticket from her bag.

The new Idol? Haruka~?!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat