~♪♩ Chapter 1♩♪~ ~Trip to London, Part 3~

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Haruka - Yes, I know Hakura.

Hakura - She's my old childhood friend.

Shining - Okay! So Miss Nanami, are you ready?

Haruka - Yes!

Shining - Have you said Goodbye to your friends?

Haruka - No... Im not planning to.

Hakura - Hn? Why?

Haruka - I... Dont want to talk about it.

Hakura - Okay.

Shining - Well, the trip is transfered.

Haruka - What? When?

Shining - Tomorrow.

Haruka - Oh...Okay.

Shining - Well, thats all. You can go now. Mr. Tochiki, you have a room, you wont be using it much so its just a small room. Boy's dorm 2 room 5.

Hakura - Arigatou.

Haruka - We'll be leaving. Good bye.

Shining - Good bye!

We left Shining. While we were walking, Hakura started a conversation.

Hakura - So. How did your 3 year work do?

Haruka - It was good. I made friends, I enjoyed it.

Hakura - Haru? What's wrong?

Haruka - I just have a lot in my head

Hakura - Haru, dont push yourself okay? You might get sick from all of that stress.

Haruka - Arigatou Haku.

Hakura - Dont mention it. Anyway, I need to go.

Haruka - okay.

Hakura - Oh, and... So you know how to speak English?

(For those who think that its already english, well it is. But normally, its Japanese. The series is Japanes, deshou? So, in the next ones, it will be really english. XD )

Haruka - Kinda... You can teach me?

Hakura - Yeah, I need to go. Bye Haru. Make sure you wake up tomorrow by 8. Lets meet over there **points at the rose garden** by 9:00 in the morning. Okay?

Haruka - Okay!

Hakura - hehe. **Smiles** Bye!

Haruka - Bye!

We walked away from eachother, he was going to snither direction, I was going to bulletin board, to check over the schedule of classes, Tsukimiya - sensei and Hyuga - sensei surely knows that I will not be attending classes for now. I walked to the bulletin board, while I wad walking. I heard someone from behind, I turned back quickly. I saw a silhouette beside the wall on the corner, I walked close quietly. It was... STARISH?! When I spot them, they were suprised and jumped back.

Haruka - Mi - minna?! Wha - what are you doing?!

Otoya - Ah... Well...

Syo - We were...

Tokiya - Spying on you... Sorry.

Natsuki - Haru - chan, we just wanted to know why your going...

Haruka - ...

Masato - Just please tell us.

Ren - Little Lamb, please... Tell us why, do you hate us? Do you want to leave that bad?

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