Finding The Blue Monkey

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In Acme Headquarters, Mr. Chairman had the camera.

"Chair people," Chairman greeted his lackeys. "I reveal to you the whereabouts of the Blue Monkey."

The others were eager and excited. The world was theirs now! But when they got the picture of the map, it appeared to have Daffy's face blocking most of the map telling them that it was impossible to tell where to go.

"There's a duck in the middle of the map," Chairman was not amused. "Remove the duck. Remove the duck! The duck is in the-Duck!" he couldn't take it anymore and threw remote at Daffy's image, but this made the whole screen shatter. He didn't mean for that to happen. "We cannot let a couple of brats, Duck and rabbit thwart our plans for global domination!"

"Wanna bet." Damian and Francis retorted as they were forced to wear metallic helmets, Mimi was being held in the air by two evil henchmen holding her by her arms

"Five dollars say our kids will scuttle your diabolical plans and save the world." Francis growled.

"You're both awfully spunk for a couple of men in your positions," Mr. Chairman said

"You let them go you evil conniving son of a -" Before Mimi could get the

"Watch your mouth missy this is a kids movie" Mr Chair points a finger at her, Mimi opens her mouth wide and bites down on his finger hard. Chairman squeals and yells in pain rubbing his bitten finger

"Secousse." Mimi mumbles under her breath glaring him down

Translation: Jerk

"Your lucky I can't understand." Chairman huffs "Foreigners."

"DJ still has a chance." Damian then said.

Chairman heard enough from them and took a remote from the tiny, creepy scientist and made the two men slap themselves on the head over and over.

"Now, I think I'm gonna raise my bet and release our most vicious operative." Mr. chairman said as a cage was being lowered.

The vicious operative was revealed to be the Tasmanian Devil himself as he was slamming around the cage and looked just as menacing as always.

One man pushed his buzzer to speak. "Mr. Chairman, while we agree that the Tasmanian Devil is quite vicious, if memory serves, he is also really stupid."

"Really?" Chairman smirked, then let Taz go free. "So are you. That's a good boy!"

Taz roared and spat all around in his infamous tornado move and viciously devoured the man, making him nothing but a mere skeleton.

"I withdraw my objection..." the skeleton minion murmured, he was called VP Never Learning for a reason.

Mimi and Francis looked in horror at what Taz had done, they both could only think about one thing

"Our babies!"


While this was going on, Bebe, DJ, Kate, Cece, Bugs and Daffy were still following the map as they continued to walk through a jungle.

DJ cut through the green plants like a heroic explorer as the others followed behind him.

"This would be a lot easier underground." Bugs murmured.

"Come on, it's only another 6,000 cubits in this here thick direction." DJ said as he looked at his compass.

The twins were running around having fun since they had never been in the jungle Bebe with two black stripes on his cheeks was wearing a black shirt with camo pants and black biker boots , Cece wearing a white shirt with the same camo pants had her hair in one big high puff while a black bandana held up her hair runs towards a Bush she accidentally trips on a stump about to fall on it but luckily Kate catches her in time.

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