Casino Raid

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"Whoo-hoo, Las Vegas!" Daffy cheered.

DJ drove them as they passed all sorts of bright lights, casinos, magic shows, and basically all the kind of fun an adult could have in a city like Las Vegas.

"Cool, I've never been to Las Vegas before." Bebe said.

DJ drove up to a casino that looked a lot like Yosemite Sam with money bags as it was showing Dusty Tails was preforming in it tonight. DJ walked in with the duck and the twins.

"Smell that, guys?" Daffy asked as he walked into the room with them after parking. "That's the sweet aroma of money, glamour, and busload upon busload of senior citizens."

"Cool it, duck, this could be dangerous." DJ warned him.

"Well just in case it is I vote to put me in charge of Bebe." Cece puffed out her chest patting her twin's head who did not look happy.

"Why should you be in charge of me?" Bebe pointed around his chest "I'm the oldest!"

"You're only older by three minutes!" Cece got in his face.

"I'm still older!" Bebe frowned but Cece stuck her fingers in her ears "La La La La I'm not listening!!"

Bebe tackles her as they argue in a fight cloud before revealing Cece standing on top of him pulling the straps of his overalls as Bebe pulls her hair at the bottom.

"Guys!" DJ scowled at them getting their attention "What did I say? No fighting while we're here."

"Sorry DJ." The twins apologized, admittedly stopped fighting.

"Come on." DJ grabbed both of their hands as they all go into the casino.

DJ looked among the crowd, looking for the woman that his father assigned them to go for. Patch began to look around as well, looking for the woman that Damian assigned them.

"Did you know Dusty Tails sings the theme song in six Damian Drake movies?" Daffy asked them as they walked past slot machines.

"I know," DJ replied, annoyed. "He's my father."

"Your dad is Damian Drake?" Daffy sounded surprised.

"Yes!" DJ was really annoyed with Daffy right now.

"I'm kiddin', relax." Daffy laughed.

"Keep doing that and you're gonna flying out the window." Bebe warned him.

There was a whistle called as there was a familiar chicken on stage to introduce the act.

"I say, listen up, y'all," Foghorn Leghorn settled the crowd. "Please put your greasy, buffet-shoveling hands together for our next act. If you've heard her before, you're not here now. So, I say, let me introduce you to Miss Dusty Tails!"

DJ looked on the stage and saw the woman his father was talking about.

Dusty came on stage, singing soft at first as she was dressed like a prim and proper woman with her pure white clothing, but the song grew intense as she ripped off the white clothes and revealed black clothes and there were short men with Yosemite Sam masks going to back-up dance for her.

Bebe's eyes popped out of his head as his tongue laid on the ground drooling.

"Have some respect." Cece took her brothers tongue stretching it out making it go back into his mouth.

DJ covered his eyes briefly. Daffy looked with his eyes very wide, so wide that they literally popped from his head and rolled on his beak. The back-up dancers popped guns next to Dusty to shoot out sparkling confetti. DJ was trying to think of a way to get in and he saw a sign for backstage of the girls' dressing rooms and decided to sneak back there so he could talk with Dusty during her show without anyone noticing anything unusual.

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