Double Trouble

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As DJ was waxing the car Daffy, Bugs, Bebe, Cece and Kate were walking together.

"What about the animation?" Daffy sounded desperate. "I could do cartoons!"

"Don't you already do cartoons?" Bebe asked

"Did." Cece corrects him.

"Dead duck walking." Bugs called.

"Morning, Mr. Bunny!" DJ said while cleaning the car.

Daffy tried to woo Kate with impressions of Porky Pig, Bugs Bunny himself, and even Jack Nicholson.

"I need you to eject this duck." Kate told DJ as she kept a firm hold on Daffy.

"Lady, this is Daffy Duck." DJ didn't want to do that to a classic cartoon character.

"Exactly!" Daffy boasted.

"Not anymore," Kate was still angry. "We own the name."

"Turns out they really do." Cece said

"I'm sorry but who are you?" DJ asked not recognizing the two toons.

"Oh I'm Bebe" Bebe responses

"And I'm Cece" Cece joined in.

"We're the Giggtoski twins" They said together.

"Oh Yeah Your parents are Mr and Mrs Giggtoski." DJ realized

"The one and only" Bebe winked

"Yeah? Well you can't stop me from calling myself Daaugugghh Daaahhh..." the black duck struggled to say his own name now. "Whatya know?"

"You fired Daffy Duck?" DJ gave Kate a look.

"No, I didn't. I did. They did..." Kate tried to explain.

Bugs decided to be nice for a change, placing his own hand in place of Daffy's.

"Alright kids first lesson is called 'Comedical Chase.' " Bugs looks down at the twins.

"What's that?" The twins asked, Bugs whispers something in their ear.

DJ faced Kate, showing he knew a lot about her to disturbing levels, but she then asked him to get rid of the duck for her once she got back on track.

"Yeah sure fine." DJ rolled his eyes about to turn and grab Daffy.

"Now." Bugs smirks, giving them the green light Bebe takes his hat off and hands it to his sister and the two starts to pretend like they're fighting.

"Gimme back my hat Cece!" Bebe towers his sister trying to get the hat back.

"You have to catch me first!" Cece blows a raspberry as they run around DJ and then proceeds to run around the studio.

DJ looks back at Daffy and then looks back at the twins, wondering which one to get.

"Well don't just stand there go get them!" Kate looked back at DJ.

DJ grinned as he was going to get the twins back for her.

"Bebe? Cece?" DJ called as he passed people on their golf-carts.

The twins run around him in a circle causing him to get dizzy.

"Miss Me Miss Me Now you gonna kiss me!" Cece teases, leap frogging on DJ's back

"Get back here!" Bebe yelled running after her.

"Come back you two!" DJ snapped, chasing them now.

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