chapter 3: training with Ban the Fox sin of greed

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Ban. The Fox sin of greed was many things. He was greedy,a thief,a skilled warrior,a deciever, and many other things. But the only thing he's never actually been in his entire life was a teacher to someone else. Let alone a kid.

As naruto and Ban are standing outside the temple hidden by merlin's magic Ban prepares to teach naruto his first lesson as he said.

"Alright kid. First lesson of thievery.
Never give back what you have stolen.
Second rule of thievery.
If you've stolen it fair and square it's yours.
Third rule of thievery. Never let your guard down and never grow attached to others.

And the final rule of thievery.... always know when to avoid a fight with someone stronger then yourself.

These are the most important things for any thieves must know for survival. And given the occupation your choosing ninjas are technically considered thieves themselves.

We're alot alike you and me. We've both had a rough childhood and refused to die. We both heal faster than most people and we're both technically Foxes.

You contain a giant Fox and I'm the Fox sin of greed. So this is going to be very fun. Show me what you learned from escanor and Diane.

I'll give you a little head's up about myself. My abilities let me steal the strength of the people I come in contact with.

My magic ability is snatch. With it I can steal anything from anyone and anywhere without fighting the person in front of me. So are you ready to get beaten fellow Fox???."

Naruto just grinned evilly at Ban and said.

"Oh I see now. So you unknowingly sap the power from your enemies even if their stronger than you and your outmatched in terms of strength.

Well I should tell you I'm quite the trickster myself. I've pulled off thousands of pranks around the village and not once has anyone ever caught me afterwards. Well... accept for my academy teacher of course.

I've been told that I can be quite unpredictable at times. As the old saying goes.
A cornered Fox is a dangerous Fox."

And Ban said.

"Hahaha!!!. I like your style kid.
And you aren't wrong. We Foxes can be VERY dangerous when cornered.
Let's begin."

Meliodas then said.

"Why do I have the feeling that Ban is going to be enjoying this more then we are???. I've only ever seen him like this when he's challenging me to a fight. I'm almost kinda jealous."

And gowther said.

"Well captain. I guess it's because in a few ways. Naruto and Ban share the same tragic history of being orphan children who were hated though the circumstances are different they're mostly definitely alike in a way that they understand each other's past.

I'd been curious about the boy and his emotions. And when I went through his memories for some odd reason I was unable to manipulate them.

While inside his mind I came across a giant golden Cage. Curiosity getting the better of me I entered and inside I saw what should be impossible.

A giant nine tailed fox the size of an entire castle. It's size would easily tower over Diane and most of camelot and liones.

It's strange because I've never felt such an ominous presence with such immense power that easily rivals the ten commandments total combined strength and power level.

Even 5 of the 10 commandments would be defeated in a single attack by the creatures power. But I also sensed the presence of two other souls. Most likely the boys parents.

Naruto Uzumaki:Sage Of the 7 sins. (naruto x 7deadly sins crossover)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant