chapter 7: naruto's hidden talent. a song of sorrows and emotions

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Two weeks had passed since naruto's training with gowther and by the end of the second week naruto was able to control his emotions completely to the point meliodas and merlin decided he was ready for their training.

Unfortunately the place they were currently at wasn't the ideal location for what they have in store for naruto's training.

So merlin decided to teleport naruto and the other sins back to the boar's hat tavern in britannia just outside the kingdoms of camelot and liones.

Naruto then took a look outside and seeing where they were decided to ask and said.

"Where are we and... WHY are we here anyway???."

And merlin said.

"This place is our original mobile base of operations the boar's hat tavern.
Basically a tavern on top of a giant pig. Meliodas and I thought you might like a change of scenery for once.

After all we are going to be training you with all of our abilities and weapons which can be quite.... destructive.

So I teleported us just outside the two neighboring kingdoms of camelot and liones. It's time for training. But first.
We must get the tavern ready to open for business. Any ideas???."

And naruto said.

"Hmm.... well. I don't know anything about running a business especially a bar but I do have one good idea.
If we had some form of entertainment like say perhaps a musical performer you might get more customers."

And meliodas said.

"That's an awesome idea but where are we going to find such a person and the instrument needed for the person to play music???. Piano playing isn't exactly common in these parts you know."

Naruto then said.

Your looking at the person right now.
Contrary to what you think I actually know how to play the piano and other instruments. Like the violin and flute.

Get me either one of those and I'll have this place packed within moments of opening."

Elizabeth then said.

"That shouldn't be too hard to find.
Liones has lots of music stores but where would we fit the piano???. The dining area isn't big enough to fit a large and wide instrument like that.
Not unless we expanded it that is."

Naruto then stepped outside and looking over the outside of the tavern he saw the balcony and said.

"Look up there. See that balcony.
If we're able to find a piano big enough to fit up there we shouldn't have too many problems fitting it inside. We would just have to have outdoor dining tables set up."

So for the first day of their trip into liones the sins split up and went to each music store finding the perfect piano for Naruto to play.

Sadly since they were so popular among bars and king's castles all the stores were sold out so instead they bought naruto a flute and a violin.

Thankfully elizabeth's father King bartra had an extra piano he was willing to loan the boar's hate tavern.

After seeing the instruments he requested naruto said.

"These are perfect. Alright. Here we go. Shadow clone jutsu!!!."

Two clones of naruto appeared as everyone was surprised that Naruto could actually make physical clones of himself just like meliodas's sacred treasure lostvayne!!!.

Naruto the gave both clones the flute and the violin as he sat in front of the piano and started playing.

The next thing they knew the entire kingdom of liones was lined up just to hear him play his wonderful music so much that it even drew the attention of king arthur pendragon himself!!!.

Naruto Uzumaki:Sage Of the 7 sins. (naruto x 7deadly sins crossover)Where stories live. Discover now