chapter 5: training with elizabeth.healing is better than harming.

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When naruto had woken up the next day his magic powers still weren't at 100% strength so elizabeth decided that a change of pace in his training was required.

The type of training that consumed less magic compared to the 7 deadly sins magic powers.

As naruto went down for breakfast he met up with elizabeth who stopped him as she said.

"Excuse me.. naruto san. I know you are eager to master all of the 7 sins powerful abilities but perhaps until your magical powers are fully recovered a less consuming form of magic would interest you???.

I might not look like it but I'm actually pretty powerful myself. I'm a member of the goddess race.

We specialize in healing and purifying people of evil magic. I'm willing to teach you if you would like to learn???."

And naruto said.

" would be nice to do something different for a change and like you said I'm not at 100% strength just yet. Plus having the power to heal people is just as useful as power to destroy things. Okay count me in."

Elizabeth then said.

"Wonderful. Your first task is to take this time you have to take this seed that's in the soil inside this bowl.

You must make it fully blossom by the end of the day using your magic. If I'm assuming correct then with your deep connection to nature as part of the fairy race you shouldn't be struggling with this easy task.

Once you have done that we will move on to something more advanced. You will learn all that I have learned and more.

I'll be observing your progress so don't force yourself to complete the task. This exercise takes time to master and is the first step to learning healing magic. especially for what I will teach you."

And naruto said.

"Just what exactly do you plan on teaching me princess elizabeth???.
What kind of magic abilities do the goddess race possess that the others don't???.

I'm pretty sure you are hiding something you think I'm not ready for just yet. Is it a powerful healing spell or something like that???."

And Elizabeth said.

"Indeed it is a powerful spell.
In fact it's so powerful even the ten commandments were afraid of it before being sealed away by the goddess race.

The spell is an offensive spell known as 'ark'.  the healing spell your going to learn is  'life authority'.

both are very powerful in certain ways.

For example. 'Ark' is a spell from the goddess race that allows them to trap and seal away demons and their magic powers for an eternity.

Although the down side is that it's very draining on the body physically and magically. As for the life authority spell.

It's power is to heal and restore even the most fatal and life threatening injuries as though they never happened.

But if you are inexperienced in using the spell for your first time your going to exhaust yourself even quicker. I remembered when I first used it I felt like I exhausted all my magical energy at once.

But I hadn't just healed everyone's injuries...I also managed to restore the plants and other forms of nature that were dead.

Trees, flowers, grass, every single thing was revived. Even the people's magic powers were restored."

Meliodas then said as he groped elizabeth's chest.

"It's true. She is what's known as a druid mage. Their essentially the apostles of the goddess race or in her case the reincarnation of a goddess.

Naruto Uzumaki:Sage Of the 7 sins. (naruto x 7deadly sins crossover)Where stories live. Discover now