chapter 10: battle training. raising a fairy army.

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After all the festivities were over naruto decided to continue his training. Needless to say that the other fairies also took an interest in the training that he was doing admiring how strong agile and flexible he was.

Noticing that he was being watched Naruto paused his training and said.

"If you guys are interested in learning how to protect the forest from invasion of future demon attacks I'd be happy to help train you all in what I know. Help you increase your magic abilities and even weapons combat.

Grab one of the pole staffs over there and we shall begin your training in self defense to protect yourself.

Times of peace have made our people weak and defenseless. With my help our kingdom will become more powerful then any demons that dare attack us.We fairies are not meant to be taken lightly ever again. Who's ready???."

One of the fairies then said.

"We don't have to fight each other in our training do we???. Because I don't want to hurt anyone who's not the enemy my king."

And Naruto said.

"Worry not everyone. You will all be placed in front of a training dummy with moving parts that will act as your enemies in a mock battle situation.

Basically moving wooden targets to hit and dodge without getting hit yourself. Speed and flexibility is important.We shall work on those first.Then we work on attacking and defending yourselves from incoming attacks."

Naruto then demonstrated the basic stances he was doing as all the other fairies watched with intense interest.

After demonstrating for the other fairies the basics of fighting he then snapped his fingers and out of the ground came a row of moving training dummies infused with magic that simulated a slow moving enemy.

The sins and naruto's parents were impressed with how much of a natural born leader and teacher he was. Even gloxinia was impressed.

As naruto watched from behind the training dummies controlling their movements with his magic powers he slowly increased the speed of the training dummies each time causing the other fairies to adapt and increase their own reaction time.

to match the reaction time of the training dummies naruto advised them to never take their eyes off of their opponents movements and counter with the opposite movements of their opponents to dodge incoming attacks.

Naruto then said.

"Okay everyone that was very good for your first attempt to learning the basics. Tomorrow we move up to the first level of advanced stances in swordsmanship and shield combat.

In other words. Learning how to defend yourself while attacking your enemies at the same time. This training will be different from what you've done today.

so rest up and eat a healthy meal because you will be facing a living target. That target being me personally.

I'll be going easy on all of you but as you progress in your training I'll slowly increase my skills to match your own so do your best and remember why your training and what your fighting to protect.

The fairy king's forest is not just a forest it's not just a kingdom.
It is a part of you and you a part of it.
Everything the forest provides it gives you because you help it to do so.

In essence you are just as much a part of the forest as the trees flowers plants and animals that reside within it. A natural balance you could call it.

When that balance is disturbed we fairies start to grow weaker and our magic begins to fade. The fairy king's tree is the heart and soul of the entire forest without it our race our people our way of life would not exist.

Naruto Uzumaki:Sage Of the 7 sins. (naruto x 7deadly sins crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ