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POV: unknown .

in this time and space, the world has changed a lot from what it used to be.
the norms that we knew has become the unusual and the unusual has become the norm.

in this new world, no kings rule and no parliaments discuss. we have papers that rule our way of living.

yes, papers.

but what's written on them is what we follow.

the papers are called "world-order" (because they order the world, get it?) and are stored somewhere away from the citizens and thieves, somewhere only a few persons get to walk in and read the updated information on it. we call those people "oreaders" (read as 'o-readers').

only a selection of a few oreaders can read the papers and inform the normal citizens on the rules that they have to follow.

you might think that many people might suspect the reliability of those oreaders but rest assured because if oreaders are lying to the whole world, people are going to suffer. that happened once a few years ago but i won't let the cat out of the bag yet. everything comes in it's own time.

but just know that, the world was built with no problems, the greedy are the ones who create chaos to our world.

❗️ this described world is only based on imagination. nothing reflects on the reality of real people .

treat this as a piece of work that i am using to improve my writing skills and nothing more!

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