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jeonghan couldn't believe what was happening. he has been waiting all his life for this moment. he fantasized about meeting the perfect one, the gender didn't matter to him, he just wanted to finally get to know his soulmate.

he has imagined himself being with different people, yes, but he definitely did not expect himself to be given the choice of the love of his life.

a soulmate has always been given by the world-order. the world-order never fails. but jeonghan can't help but think that it's failed him at that moment.

"i am sorry what did you say?", seungcheol asked. he looked just as distressed as jeonghan and joshua.

"i am afraid that's what world-order wants yoon to do", gato sighed, "i am just reading what is written for you and behind your name literally lies 'kim seungcheol slash hong joshua'"

"i don't quite understand though... what is written behind their names then?", jeonghan couldn't grasp the idea that he had to choose between two people.

perro sighed, "nothing". joshua's head was not lifted throughout the conversation, however after perro's words, his head snapped up as he looked between all standing people. like a meerkat, he stood with his eyes wide-open, "so, jeonghan has to choose between the both of us either way?" he asked.

"that's what i have been saying...", gato murmured. all three teens looked at him, "wait don't look at me like that, i am not that fucked up - um excuse my language - messed in the head to try to change something from the world-order...", he cleared his throat after perro gave him a stern look.

"anyways, kids, i suggest that you all get to know each other and i don't know, but like yoon could try and date the both of you and then decide who you would like to have as a soulmate?", he questioned his own thoughts, "um, well, you can oppose to my idea... no worries, we are going to discuss this problem, um, situation, with some experts, and we will tell you if something new comes up, ok?"

jeonghan stood there, not quite sure how to take any of this. he has been promised a soulmate but has only received more headaches, it was like that night all over again, but this time, he has a choice, and he has decided to go with it. he sighed, "alright, i am sure you don't need my contact data since you already got them, right? but you might need theirs because what if i don't answer, or was away", jeonghan said, raising his eyebrow at the two oreaders.

gato laughed, "you truly are one of us, you know our whole protocol!", he walked towards joshua and seungcheol and asked them their address and numbers.

"i gotta be honest with you though, yoon",  perro said quietly as he stepped closer to him, "i don't think that the higher ups are gonna say something different from what i already told you..."

"i understand, sir", jeonghan nodded firmly, his eyes focusing now on the two guys that he has to get to know now.

gato turned around towards his partner, "ok! we are done now! let's get going, perro". perro nodded at the boys and left with gato with all their stuff.

the door slammed shut with a bang and silence filled the entire cafeteria. jeonghan just kept looking at the two boys with no particular thoughts in his head.

"what the fuck?", scoups muttered as he rubbed his hand from his face into his black hair.

he stole the words out of my mouth...

"i think it's best if we speak on this situation tomorrow or something", jeonghan blurted out but seeing the confused looks on the boys' faces he continued, "i mean, i think we all need some time to process this... it's not exactly something ordinary...", he said the last part sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

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