Not a chapter but-

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We've reached 10.9K views!!! Thank you so much!

I keep on forgetting to do things like this but anyway-

Thank you thank you! You all are so amazing! All the readers and commenters and... voters (I guess you'd call them) thank you so much! 

Shoutout to @Ari-KA who's been here since the beginning! Basically my first commenter and reader on Wattpad, thank you!

I'm really not sure what else to say but love y'all! You're all amazing!!

The next chapter will be a bonus chapter of Fitz and Linh, and it will in fact be Linh's POV as well as Fitz's!

Hope you like it, and if this is in the future after it's finished, have fun reading the rest!

Love you! ♥♥♥

There are so many exclamation points here... And some more for absolutely no reason other than me being sleep deprived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're all amazing! ♥♥♥♥

(This would also be a good stopping point, the story is paused for this note. Go do what you need to do; you'll thank me and yourself later. Activate that self control, stretch out your back, and finish whatever tasks you need to. Take care <3)

How It Should Have Been: Sokeefe AUWhere stories live. Discover now