By Chance

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* Phil's POV *
After hitting snooze seven times, I decided to get out of bed. I didn't have much planned for the day - no video to film and no friends to meet up with.
I went to my closet and picked out a blue plaid shirt. While buttoning it up, I didn't dwell over the unassuming words scrawled underneath my heart on my rib cage: "do you want to get a coffee with me sometime?" Having been 24 years old, I have given up trying to find my soulmate - the one responsible for saying these words to me.

I decided to run down to a local coffee shop to grab a late breakfast, seeing as there wasn't anything in my flat.
I grabbed a light coat and headed out the door.

* Dan's POV *
I trace the beautiful, swirling, scripted text on the inside of my right forearm: "it's you." The words drive me insane. I'm sure they'll be said in a disappointed and sullen tone. The thought alone made me want to curl up into a ball and die.

I got off the train and stepped into the underground station, gripping my backpack tight. I hated crowded places and this morning's route seemed more busy than any other day. I decided to go to my favourite coffee shop in London, seeing how I had time to kill before my rehearsal started. I headed up the stairs to the open, tapping familiar tunes on my thigh to calm myself down - there were so many people. I stared at my feet until I bumped into something - no, someone. I looked to see who it was. Startled blue eyes looked back at me. Beautiful blue eyes. And a goofy grin. Overcome by who knows what, I blurt out: "do you want to get a coffee with me sometime?"

His blue eyes grew wide, and he looked me up and down for a second until a big goofy smile appeared on his face. "It's you."

A/N So I'm thinking this will be multi-chaptered. Can't promise when I'll upload, but I doubt anybody cares about this.
Not entirely sure where this is going yet, so if you wanna add your two cents in-or suggest another phanfic altogether- go ahead!
Bye! ^.^

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