Painful Memories

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* Phil's POV *

I paused at the entrance to our flat, the keys still in the door. No music? I wonder. It was strange, I have to admit. Usually I'm welcomed home by a beautifully overwhelming arrangement, but not tonight.

It was late, maybe Dan went to bed. But no, he would've stayed up for me. Unless he fell asleep while waiting. How adorable.

I smile at the thought of him asleep on the couch, with his head tilted and mouth slightly gapped.

"Bear?" I whisper, entering the room quietly as to not wake him.

"Hello?" He wasn't on the couch. Maybe the bedroom? He wouldn't have gone out, would he?

My stomach dropped.

There. On the piano. The last thing I want to see. Oh my god. Oh my god. Please, no.


Blood littered the piano keys and stained the sheet music. Music covered the floor and the bench was knocked over.

"Dan..." I barely get out as my breath catches.

I fall to my knees. I watch my tears mix with Dan's blood.

"Dan!" I cry out, throwing myself into the ground. No, Phil! I have to pull myself together. For Dan.

I stand up and pull out my phone, dialing 999.

"Hello this is-"

"Help. Help me. My boyfriend - Dan - he's been kidnapped!" My words spill out as the room starts to get dizzy. Explaining it made it real.

"Calm down, sir. Please tell me where you are..."

I couldn't do it. I couldn't hold on. The room was spinning to fast. My jeans and shoes were soaked with Dan's blood. Dan. Dan was gone. Dan...

My knees gave out as I welcomed the sweet abyss of nothingness.

* Dan's POV *

I woke up, and immediately regretted it.

My head hurt. It felt like someone was squeezing it. I felt nauseous as well. To top it off my arms were tied behind me in possibly the most uncomfortable position.

I tried to get a look of my surroundings, but every time I moved my head a flash of pain would strike. Where am I? I silently call out. Wait, most important question. How did I get here?

I remember watching an anime with Phil. No details though. Which anime? What happened after? Where's Phil? So many questions flooded my brain.

My head thumped in pain. Tears made my vision even more blurry.

I couldn't remember how I got here. I don't know where I am. I don't know why.

I could feel my breath getting more shallow. My fingers weren't touching a surface, but I started playing "Rhapsody In Blue" to calm myself down.

The tempo sped up as I heard footsteps approaching the door. I tried to roll my body into a ball to protect myself - ignoring the pain in my head and stiffness of my arms tied behind me.

The door swung open.

I don't want to look up.

The smell of alcohol rolled in; I recoiled from the familiar sent of childhood memories.


"Look up." Yes. It was him. I curled in closer to myself. My fingers were going too fast to be an actual song.

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