An unfamilar tune An unfamiliar tune

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* Dan's POV *

"Almost done..." I mumble to myself, bent over the homemade sign. I lean back to view my masterpiece: Phil, with the "i" dotted with cat whiskers. "Perfect. Now.." I start cleaning up the glitter glue and stickers. "He's gonna love thi-oh crap! I'm gonna be late!" I grab the sign and run out the door.

~ ~ ~

I held up my sign in the very crowded train station. I made it just on time: Phil's train just pulled in. I was glad I didn't get here early - too many weird looks from strangers, judging my glitter glue.

I knew I shouldn't have brought this sign. I start tapping at the sign, playing a familiar tune to calm me down. I was about to put the sign away, until- "Phil!"

We both ran to each other and embraced. "What's this?" He laughs, grabbing at the sign.

"Oh, heh, it's nothing."

"What? Dan! I love it, thank you!" He takes my hand in his and the sign in his other. "Common, I'll show you what I got."

~ ~ ~

*Phil's POV*

I was excited to introduce Dan to PJ; I've known him since daycare and he's my best friend, besides Dan.

"So Phil, when is this mysterious, caring, and shy boyfriend you've been telling me about?" PJ asks, taking a slurp from his tea.

"He's almost home, Peej, he had to go to rehearsal."

"Yeah right, I doubt he even exists..."

"Peeejj!" I shove him, "of course he exists, I could ask you the same about Chris!"

"You've met Chris! I have yet to meet Dan! Your apartment looks the same - no evidence of him at all!" PJ shoves me back.

"Hey!" I shove back, "we have the same interests! And he'll be here any minute now!"

He pushed me again, and soon enough we were having a full on wrestling fight, just like we had when we were younger.

I was definitely winning until I heard a shrieking "NO!"

PJ and I unravel to find Dan pinning himself against the wall.

"Dan? What's wrong?" But he wouldn't answer. He dropped his music folder, littering the floor with sheet music, and brought his hand up to his chest, breathing hard.

"Dan..?" I approached him, trying to get him to calm down. "Dan, Dan, everything's okay. What's wrong?"

"I can't... I can't..."

"Dan, what is it? I want to help." I tried to keep my voice low, as I didn't want to scare him. "Dan it's okay, tell me."

"I can't..." He started breathing harder and his knees started to buckle.

"I can't... breathe!" His knees finally buckle and I catch him, moving to a sitting position on the floor, leaning against the door. "'s okay, bear."

After what seemed like hours, but was probably only a minute or two, I could finally feel his heartbeat slowing. I sighed and put my head against the door. After a couple minutes I could hear Dan's deep breaths. I put my chin on the top of his head and took in the scent of his hair and what just happened. What did just happen? What was that? I look down at my boyfriend, wondering the unexplained until the silence was broken by the most awkward sentence I've ever heard:

"So...uh... I'm gonna go now."

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