Coffee Shop Love

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*Dans POV*

It was weird - knowing that this was who I was supposed to end up with. It was awkward. Sure, he - Phil - was cute, but I didn't know a thing about him.

We sat down at a table near a window, now it was time fire the awkward small talk to start. "Umm..." I start, " sorry. I've never done this before... Obviously."

"Quit alright," Phil replies, rubbing his hands against his pants. "Perfectly normal. Everyone goes through this. How to start...?"

"Well, how about, what do you do?"

"Oh, hmm, how to explain? Well, I make videos on YouTube, I guess. What do you do?"

"Well, I'm kinda a concert pianist."

"Kinda? That's so cool! Do you play with an orchestra?"

"Yeah..." having this much attention on me made me feel nervous and awkward. I shifted awkwardly in my seat, hoping Phil wouldn't notice. He didn't. He was talking about something. Oh, I should probably be paying attention.

"...and that's how I got into YouTube. So how'd you get into playing the piano?"

"Oh, well, it's a way to escape. You know... From... things."

The rest of their breakfast went like that. Dan was just starting to get into the conversation, when he realized the time. He really like Phil too.

"Hey, I'm sorry Phil, I have to go. I have rehearsal."

"What a lame excuse to try to get rid of me" Phil laughed.

I blushed. I wanted to stay, but we have a show soon. I surprised myself at how much I liked him. I guess this is a good thing.

"I'm sorry," I say, while standing up. He stands up too and opens his arms slightly. Hug...yes, right. We hugged awkwardly and exchanged numbers.

"When do you get out of rehearsal? I want to text you as soon as you get out."

"Seven." I reply, blushing a little at the thought that Phil could like me back.

"Seven! That's ridiculous! It's eleven o'clock! Why do they have you working so hard?!"

"We have a concert coming up, next week."

"Can I come?"

"If you want to yeah..." I can't believe he actually likes me...

"Cool! Well, I should go too. Call you at seven?" He asks while slinging his jacket over him.

"Yeah..yeah. I'd really like that." I look down to hide my red face and walk out of the coffee shop on my way to practice.

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