Chop Sticks and Orange Chicken

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* Dans POV *

I couldn't focus on the music. Lucky for me I had already memorized the song, so my fingers took over my actions while my brain wandered off to imaginary places with Phil. I just had to get past that awkward getting-to-know-you phase.

"Dan. Dan!" I looked up. The conductor had cut us off and I wasn't even paying attention.

"Sorry," I mouthed to Lauren, the flautist who cut me off.

"Everything okay?"

"I'll tell you after this." I said looking towards the conductor getting ready to start again.

After rehearsal, everyone was packing up their instruments. "So," Lauren nudges me, "what's got you so distracted? You're usually ahead of the game."

I didn't say anything; instead, I held out my right forearm, revealing the script: "it's you."

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing! Tell me all about her!"

"Him." I shifted my feet.

"Him... yeah, okay! Tell me about him!"

"Well-" before I could start my phone rang. "That's him now. Tell you tomorrow, okay?" She nodded and gave me a thumbs up. Time to not be so awkward. "Hey, Phil?" I asked, walking out the room to start my walk home.

"Yeah, silly, of course it's me. How was rehearsal? Are you perfecting everything for me? Can't wait to see it."

I kick a rock down ahead of me, "heh, yeah I am. I was a bit distracted today though." I blush. Good thing he can't see me.

"Oh really?" I can hear his smile through the phone.

"Yeah, good thing Lauren's looking out for me."

"Who's she?"

"A flautist. She interested in you, by the way."

"Oh really? What'd you tell her?"

"Nothing yet. I decided to answer my phone instead."

"Hmm.. yeah. Well, what are you doing now? I'm about to film a video. Wanna come over?"

"I'm walking home. Maybe tomorrow, I have to practice."

"Practice? You just got out of an eight hour rehearsal! That's ridiculous you need to take a break."

"Yeah, well..."

The rest of their conversation was a blur. I was amazed at how much Phil and I had in common, and I really like him.

* Phil's POV *

"Okay, I'm at my flat now. Call you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure. Talk to you tomorrow." I heard Dan hang up. I looked at my phone and then tossed it on my bed. I got up from hanging upside down off my bed. It was only 7:30 and I didn't feel like filming. "Philming" I said out loud and laughed at myself. I missed Dan already. It's been less than 12 hours and it already feels like Dan was my soulmate. He went over to the mirror and lifted up his shirt. I traced my tattoo. Those words were spoken to me today. Wow. Growing up with my parents always telling me the story of how they got together. Their love story made me want one of my own and I finally got it. I just hope Dan likes me as much as I like him.

I'd heard horror stories of people who found their soulmate but one didn't like the other the same way. I shuddered. I just wanted to see Dan. Be with Dan. Man, I thought to myself, I'm falling hard.

I decided that I'd actually go to see him. Surprise him. I knew where he lived - he'd told me over the phone.


I walked up the stairs, sweating a bit. Why did he have to live on the seventh floor? I shifted the bag full of Chinese food to my other arm. Almost there.

Walking down the hallway I could hear his piano playing. What was it like to be his neighbor? It must be amazing. 721, this was his. I knocked on the door. The piano stopped.

"Sorry was I being to lo- Phil?"

"Hey!" I said, lifting up the bag of Chinese. "I figured you didn't get much of a break with all that practicing, so I thought I'd hand deliver." I blushed.

"Oh, uh, thank you. Come in. want the grand tour?" I nodded.

"You have a nice flat." It was small, one bedroom, one bathroom, and the kitchen and living room were connected. It looked like he lived from his piano. Wrappers and sheet music were piled all around.

"Sorry for the mess," Dan commented. He must've seen me staring.

"Oh, it's quit alright." I walk over to his piano, "what were you playing earlier? It was beautiful. will you play it for me?"

He nods and sat down at the bench and placed his hands over the keys. I took this time to just stare at him. His brown fringe falling in his face, his chocolate eyes focused and calm. He was just about to start when my stomach decided to interrupt.

"Should we eat first?" Dan laughed.

"Yes, let's eat. Could you play after? I really want to hear you play."

He nodded and grabbed some food. "Chop sticks or forks?"

"I need to use a fork, I can't function with chop sticks."

"Want me to show you?" He said, pulling out two sets of sticks.

They bonded over orange chicken and noodles. Phil loved listening to Dan talk about the things he loved: books, shows, music. They seemed to have everything in common. It was great.

Walking down the hallway, leaving Dan's flat, he was escorted out by sweet piano music.

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