The Beginning

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*Flash back*

As i look back as to why i am being exiled i can't help but to think

" i have no regrets as to what i have done as far as i am worried i would do again if i had the chance"

As I walked to the stadium where my exile was being held. I caught a glimpse of my boyfriend's turquoise eyes. I saw he was sad but I knew he was hiding it (the lier).

he lipped "I am sorry, love."

I didn't say it back after all he was part of the reason as to why i was being exiled in the first place. most of the people in l'manberg wonder how i could do such a thing; i am tubbo's girlfriend after all nice, kind and sweet but when i came down to it was ruthless towards any one that wanted to hurt my county. This is why I helped blow up l'manberg, I planted the TNT. I helped build it and I will take it down with me even if it meant losing a couple of friends and people I care about.

** End of flashback **

"Y/N WAKE UP WOMAN," Tommy said to me. I disliked the way he was so loud but I will live with the fact that I have to for now after all he is my crush. I don't think i could ever date him because the fact that tubbo hurt me and put me in the place i am now was too much.

A~chan:this is my first storyy my friend @bakugouTwT helped me with this:A~chan out

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