This,This will be fun

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After Dream just left I sat there looking around and cried. I have never felt so hurt and disappointed at the same time.

Tommy: I'm leaving and I want you to come with me. I am so tired of dream choosing what we can and can't do. So i'm leaving... he sits there and pretends to be our friend be we are JUST PONS TO HIM IN HIS GAME OF CHESS AND i-i don't want be in his g-game if he is the one we are playing. He is just dragging on the pain, he is doing this for fun HE THINKS IT IS FUN AN GAMES BUT I WON'T BE LIKE HIM! I won't be like the person I hate most. So please come with me..

Y/n : if i am being truthful with you i think the same so i will with you tommy.

You both walked off not known where you would both go but you just knew you needed to go.

~Tubbo pov~

I love da bee's.. They're nice to me and they don't hurt me, leave me, or die on me and turn in to a ghost or blow up our home nor do they lie. I love them so much!

Dream has been coming around asking about everything and I don't really like it.

I just want what is best for my country and I wanna help it so much.

Ghostbur said he would give me a gift today and i think it is thoughtful of him

Speaking of..

Wil: tubbo i know that you miss tommy so i wanna give you this.

He then gave me a compass that said "your tommy" I ran and cried. I love it so much as much as I wanna block it out... I still miss them both. I want Y/n my arms and to talk to her and Tommy again they are .. no were my best friends and ... i-i just wish i didn't exile them it was to harsh

... I want them back...

~Y/n pov~

We were walking for a while and my feet were hurting but I'd rather die than go back there just to be used again and again. I was looking around and saw something move. It was fast on its feet. That was all i knew and i had to keep the one i love safe and in that moment that was tommy.

Y/n: Tommy.*you whisper* there is something around here and it is fast on your feet. I don't know what it is but I don't like it.

Tommy: okay you got your sword? If not i'll protect you, I have mine.

Y/n: yea i have mine, back to back i don't want the thing coming from behind mmk

Tommy :mmk

We were going in slow step in circles trying to see anything or anyone. I look to the left to see it running towards us and yell


You hug him cause you have not seen him for 3 days and were starting to worry about him and what happened cause what would have happened if dream would have got him?


y/n : wilbur where were you

Wilbur:I was going to give invites to the beach party but dream said he would do it and I tried finding my way back but I g-got lost and c-could not find my way back, i-i thought I would be o-out here for forever!

He started sobbing and I just hugged him and told it would be alright cause me and Tommy are here now.

Did you really forget (Tubbo x reader x Tommy)Where stories live. Discover now