How Could He

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~Y/n pov~

Me and Tommy wanted to make a beach party for everyone to visit us... i-i just can't. I see why Tommy wanted his friends in the beginning. I guess I am just more used to the loneliness unlike him. I feel like I have moved on from tubbo and I have started to like Tommy even if he yells and can be annoying. He is a good friend and person. I can see he is starting to think that dream is his friend. He is not in the wrong there, he has not been that bad aside from blowing up our armor and tools.

I see ghostbur as my best friend and he sees me in the same way. He loves to give me blue and I think it is sweet. I know he does not remember anything that happened in the time we were planning on blowing up the country we worked hard to build. Me ,Tommy, Tubbo ,Wilbur and Eret but fuck Eret right. we just wanted a place we could be ourselves because everywhere else we felt like we were outcasts... i mean we are but still , i find it funny that now it is just me and tommy that are out casts. Would wilbur count as one too, i don't think so cause of the fact that he is dead.

Well back to the beach party. My mommy and I dream of putting together a beach-like place. told tommy to write the invites and so he did wilbur offered to give them to everyone and so now we just wait. I hate waiting ... tubbo knows that..

I wondered if i should write to some of my friends like Punz or badboyhalo but i think they hate me. I know i said if i had the choice i would do it again don't get me wrong i would in a heartbeat but i love my friends and miss them dearly.

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