Testing and Questioning

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(okay so like the back story is going to just lead up to the point the book started off with and then go to the point it left off on if that makes sense....poggers :))

Me and fundy had then sat down in a room with a doctor-like setting. He then started asking me questions and things about what had happened. Some things i knew while others I just could not recall all that well.

Fundy: y/n, okay so just a few more questions and then someone would like to talk to you.

y/n: okay then, shoot.

Fundy: do you remember what happened that evening when the bombing of l'manberg happened and if so tell me what you know. All. of. It.

y/n: i remember everything. Down to the last speck of dust. Me and Wilbur were in a room that set off the bombs that's when Philza had ran in trying to stop me- us. Things had gotten heated between me and Phil, that had led to me pressing the button like Wilbur asked me to. Speaking of Wil, where is he?

Fundy looked down at the floor like I had just blown up a nat- bad example.. He just looked so angry but sad all at the same time.

y/n: fundy??

Fundy: he did not get out in time...

y/n: you don't mean...

My eyes widened in shock and maybe worry.

y/n:i am so sorr-

Fundy:save it! He had snapped at me. This was new. Listen y/n i have had just enough pity and sad crap from everyone. I hated that man with every piece of my being people know that to yet they still do it.

Y/n: if you think i was giving you pity think again.

He looked up in shock like- (nope not going that road again- or should i say hallway-)

Y/n: i am not one to give pity i don't like it, as a person that has had it given to me i hate it. The feeling like they almost look down on you. I hate it so much. And you should too. I knew what type of man wilbur was and what he had become. It killed me to sit there and watch a man I knew fall from grace again and again. Now let's move on... to the next question you have for me.

He opened his mouth to say something but then quickly shut it.

Fundy: does any part of you hurt... that bad

Y/n: just my arm and head

Fundy: yeah, a person would think burn marks and bleeding from the head would hurt quite a bit. Dew to the bleeding I thought you would to light headed to walk i stand corrected in this matter. I pached you up for the most part. Would you like a aspirin... or two?

Y/n:yeah please.

Fundy : okay on to the last okay this one is going to be out-landish but needed. Can you remember anything before l'manberg and the people to please like family before all war yeah know.

I sat there for a minute thinking... hmm tommy me tubbo that is always how its been right just us three along with wilbur too.

Y/n: yeah it has been me, wil, tommy, and tubbo all of our lives.

Fundy :no Y/n from what people had said you join us so there would have to be a time before that.

I tried thinking but all i knew was wilbur,tubbo, and tommy and some others here in l'manberg.

Y/n: i just can't recall anything from then.

Fundy : okay so memory problem there

That was kinda blunt about it.

Fundy: but even so as i said before there is a person that wishes to see you they will be in a minute.

y/n:okay then be for you leave though who wishes to see me?

Fundy: Tommyinnit is the one that wants to see you.

Huh? I can see why but I still wonder- ohhh I helped blow up- okay I can see why now he probably has some words to say... to me I know they most likely are not nice but at least they are words...

Did you really forget (Tubbo x reader x Tommy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz