A Late-Night Interrogation

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"I-I love you!"

Adrien stood there, confused, shocked, and elated at the same time. Then he remembered something else,"But... what about Luka?"

Marinette shook her head and took a step towards him, "No, Adrien. Luka is a really good friend to me, but you..." she took his hand in hers and both their faces burned up, "It's always been you, since that one day in the rain... I love you, Adrien."

Adrien blinked twice and looked into her deep blue eyes. Was this too good to be true? "I-I love you too... Ladybug?!?"

The girl that was standing in front of him had now switched to a similar looking girl with a red-and-black-spotted mask, "Chat Noir. I trusted you," her voice was low and dangerous.

Adrien tried to wrap his head around this, "But- where's Marinette? And where did you come from?!"

"Marinette..." she turned to face him, "You mean the girl that died?"

"Th-that...died?..." Adrien's heart dropped in his chest, "M-Marinette??"

Ladybug nodded gravely, "If you'd stayed in Paris, you could've prevented that."


She held up a hand, "You failed me, Chat Noir. Now you need to give me your Miraculous." She held out her palm to retrieve the ring.

"I..." but it was almost like his ring was slipping off his finger, magically floating towards her.

"Adrien? Are you okay?"

Marinette was back to standing in front of him, "Marinette?"

She laughed her angelic laugh, "Yeah, silly, who else would it be?"

"But..." this was going too fast for him to comprehend, "You just... where's..."

She took his hand, which made his heart beat fast, "I've been standing here the entire time, Adrien. Are you sure you're okay? We can head back home..."

Home? Where did Ladybug go? This was so confusing, "Um, sorry, I just thought I saw something," he lamely covered up.

Suddenly, Marinette turned around and started to cry, "Why, Chat Noir? Why did you leave me..."

"I didn't-" Adrien took a cautious step towards her and now they were standing in front of a grave. Chat Noir- 2005-2020 it read.

Marinette solemnly placed a boquet of flowers and a box of macaroons on the floor of the gravestone, "Marinette..." he tried to tilt her face to look at his, but his hand passed through her chin like a ghost.

He examined his hand, it almost looked transparent, but more blurry, like it wasn't real. Then, his hand transformed into the familiar gloved, Chat Noir suit.

"You said you loved me..." Ladybug's familiar voice spoke next to him, "But then you say that you like this girl?"

Chat Noir was confused, "I never said anything,"

Ladybug sighed, "I know how you look at her, as Chat, and as Adrien."

He gasped, "You know who I am?!"

She shrugged, "Of course I do, we revealed ourselves a while back. I'm Kagami, remember?"

"K-Kagami?!" He did a double take, did he have amnesia or something, or was this one of Hawk Moth's tricks?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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