Lucky Charm

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"Hey girl!" Alya said once she spotted her best friend, "Where on Earth have you been?"

"Ummm..." Marinette glanced at Adrien, "I was just helping an uh, friend..." She smiled at him.

"Okayyyy..." Alya said, noticing that Marinette's 'friend' was Adrien, "Anyways, we found someone who likes bets as much as Kim!" She grabbed Marinette's arm and pulled her towards Kim and another girl doing push-ups.

Adrien watched as Marinette's hand was pulled away from his, creating a bubble of emptiness there, "Dude!" Nino slung an arm over Adrien's shoulder, "You have to see this." He led Adrien over to the DJ stand, "Look! There's this really awesome..."

Nino went blabbing off about how awesome it was and how in a few minutes, he'd get to use them for himself, but Adrien wasn't listening. He was searching through his memories, looking for something happy that had happened that day to drown out the memories of the attack, 'Okay Adrien, how did you wake up this morning?' He asked himself, 'Cold. I was cold because Marinette wasn't sleeping on me anymore.' He laughed internally at how weird that sounded, 'Of course, I found her, staring at a sunrise, how cute.' He didn't even stop the feelings that were coming towards him, 'And then...' He thought as the memory became sharper in his mind, 'And then we almost...' Almost what? Hugged? Nuzzled? 'No.' He remembered something. Adrien was staring deep into her bluebell eyes, but his eyes hovered over something else before the moment, 'Her lips... wait, does that mean that I was about to ki-' He shoved the crazy thought out of his mind before it could even form, 'WHAT?! No, I must've just seen something on her lips and was going to wipe it off because that's what good friends do.' He thought unconvincingly, 'Yeah, with my lips... NO!' All of this going back and forth made his head hurt, 'Ugh. Maybe I shouldn't have come to New York... but then again, Marinette worked so hard to convince my Father, Gabriel Agreste, probably the toughest person in the world, just so that I, one of her classmates would come. Plus, I don't know how I'd stay in Paris for a whole week without Marinette!


Wait, hold up. I've lived 14 years in Paris without knowing Marinette, and she's not the only one who's going, Alya and Nino are here too! And I've been without my friends for a whole week before, that time when Father and I went to London with the Tsurugis, I didn't think about any of my friends except for Kagami and...' Marinette. He didn't know why, but he felt so compelled to look all over London just to get her some medicine. He could've just given the prescription to Nathalie or his bodyguard, so why did he do it himself? 'Because I wanted to show her that I love her... WAIT WHAT!? NO!! GET THAT CRAZY IDEA OUT OF YOUR HEAD RIGHT NOW, ADRIEN!!'

Nino noticed that his best friend wasn't listening at all, "Dude?" He waved his hand in front of Adrien, making him jolt out of his daze, "Earth to Adrien?"

"Oh! Sorry, Nino!" Adrien apologized, drowning the thought in fake cheerfulness, "Guess, I just zoned out for a while."

Nino put a hand over his heart and gasped, "Am I really that boring?"

The sudden action caught Adrien off guard and his heart skipped a beat. He immediately reached for Marinette's hand but when he closed his fist, he realized that she wasn't there so instead, he rubbed his thumb over his Lucky Charm as if she were still there. He let out a false laugh, "Haha. So, when do you DJ?" He asked halfheartedly.

Nino's eyes widened, "Right now! See you on the dance floor, my dude!" He saluted him off and ran up to mix up the music for the party.

"Yeah, see you... I guess..." Adrien sighed as he looked at the bracelet on his wrist, 'I wonder if she still has mine?' That bracelet had meant so much to him, that he'd actually handmade one for her birthday and asked everyone he knew what they thought of it. He brought the wrist that was wearing the bracelet to his cheek and closed his eyes, 'Why does it mean so much to me? I mean, she literally gave it to me because of my poor gaming skills. What makes a Lucky Charm so lucky? For all I know, it could've just been one of those tacky party favors that she got and she just didn't want me to feel bad. But then, why do I carry it everywhere I go?' But he answered his own question, 'It's not about the Lucky Charm, it's Marinette. She's my Lucky Charm.' He smiled at the thought, 'Everything goes right when she's around. I can forget Hawk Moth, or Father, or anything else. She's the best friend I could ever have.'

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