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After constantly being reminded that he should be in Paris, Adrien spotted Marinette, "Hey, Marinette!" He walked towards her, taking her suitcase, "What's your seat number?"

Alya, who was sitting right next to where Marinette was standing, grinned, 'Where is the popcorn when you need it?'

Marinette studied her boarding pass, "Uhhhh... Baby... BBB! Thirty-two B!" She stammered, tripping over her words.

"Oh great! You're sitting next to me!"

Marinette gasped in surprise, 'Oh no! This cannot be happening! I'll probably make a fool of myself in front of him and he'll think I'm crazy and-' Alya interrupted her thoughts.

"Awesome, Marinette," Alya teased, "Go sit next to your 'friend'" She made air quotes with her fingers, "So you two can enjoy a nice flight together, a very looooooong flight." She rested her head on her hand, satisfied.

"Uh... sure!" She said as Adrien rolled her bag to their seat, "Next to my husban... I MEAN friend... no problem!" She gulped as she slowly stalked towards Adrien's and her row. Their row!!! Adrien had finished stowing her bag and sat down in the middle seat, "He's a friend, just a friend, he's just a friend!" She whispered to herself before quickly sitting down, avoiding his gaze. She was hyperventilating now.

"Uh... everything okay?" He asked, noticing her heavy breathing.

"Oh, yeah!" She blurted, holding two thumbs up, "Yeah, yeah, great!" She laughed nervously and moved her arms in crazy motions to stop herself. It didn't work. She fanned her face rapidly, "Whoo! It's a little hot in here, isn't it?" She started fumbling with the overhead controls.

"Here," Adrien offered,  placing his hands on hers (Which did not help her case) "Let me help you." They were so close now, Adrien could feel her heart in her chest pounding.

Marinette quickly sat down and accidentally pressed a button on her armrest which made the seat recline backward, "Whoa!!!"

Marinette's legs shot up, tripping Adrien and making him fall on her. His head was buried in the crook of her neck and for a moment, he couldn't move. He heard Marinette gasp beneath him and somehow got the strength to get back up, "Oh! Sorry!" He apologized.

Marinette pressed a button, and the seat went back to normal, knocking Adrien back into his seat. Her face was getting redder by the minute, "No, I'm fine!"

"Are you feeling cooler now?"

"Gee! No! Not at all! It must be the seat! It's a... warming seat, right?" She got up and touched the seat, pretending it was hot, "Oooh! It's burning hot"

"Uhhhh... no, it's a regular seat?" He touched the seat to show her it wasn't hot, "But you can have mine if you'd like. C'mon, let's switch!" Instead of just saying 'no', she raced over to Alya and Nino's seat, 'Did I do something wrong? Why is she running away from me?' He thought sadly, 'All I did was offer her my seat.'

Meanwhile, Marinette rushed over to Alya, "Help, Alya. I can't sit next to him! I might need more training to be just his friend after all!" She admitted breathlessly.

"There's still time to get off the plane." Alya cocked her head to the side thoughtfully, "Because New York is the most romantic city in the world! After Paris, obviously." She held out her hands like she was framing a picture, "New York is, like, carriage rides with pretty white horses, little dogs, and kittens on your lap, the sun setting over Central Park, the ferry to Liberty Island-"

"Aaaah!!!!" Marinette panicked, "I have to get out of here!"

"What's going on?" Madame Mendeleiev questioned, hearing all the ruckus.

"Marinette gets airsick," Alya covered for her best friend, "It would be better if she could sit at the center of the plane."

"Out of the question, each student is to keep the seat they have been assigned!"

"But-" Marinette protested.

"No buts. Sit down in your seat now, or get off the plane." Madame Mendeleiev admonished.

"Yes, Madame." Marinette hung her head in embarrassment as she trudged back to the seat where Adrien was sitting, waiting for her.

"Are you okay, Marinette? You just ran off like that." He made a small running motion with his fingers.

Marinette giggled at that, "Y-yeah, I'm f-fine. Just had to tell Alya something." She pulled a magazine out from the seat pocket. On the front was another one of Adrien's modeling pictures.

Adrien laughed next to her, "That was my first, and last late-night photoshoot," He explained, "It looks like morning though, right?"

"Y-yeah, you look hot- I MEAN it looks hot, too hot for the night!" She stammered; on a blushing streak again.

"It was," He continued, ignoring that she'd called him hot, "I came home exhausted that day. I decided never to do one like that again because I forgot to do my homework. Madam Mendeleiev was like," He put on a falsetto voice, "Adrien Agreste! If you miss one more homework assignment, I will have to call your father!" He frowned, then spoke in his normal voice again, "Actually, that's a pretty good threat. My father would take me out of school in a heartbeat if he got a call from school." He stared deep into her eyes, "I don't know how you did it."

"H-how I did w-what?"

"My father told me everything, the only reason I'm here right now is you."

"M-me?" Dang it! Her face was getting hot again!

"Yeah, you. I thought it'd be impossible, but you believed in it. You're always willing to take a chance on something or someone. That's why you're the most amazing girl, Marinette. Thank you." He leaned over and gave her a small kiss on her cheek, making her face light on fire.

"I... um... you're welcome?" She squeaked before burying her face in the magazine she was holding. She sighed in frustration as she saw what the page was. It was an article about Ladybug and Chat Noir, 'I wonder how he's managing Paris?' She checked in her purse and felt the small black cat, 'It hasn't rung yet. Maybe Chat Noir is doing just fine...' But a darker thought formed in her mind, 'What if I come back too late? What if Hawk Moth senses that I'm not there and attacks my Chaton!? What if his Miraculous is taken from him, or worse... what if he di- no. I can't think that way. Chat Noir is a superhero, he's more than capable of protecting himself and Paris. I have to trust him.'

Adrien noticed Marinette seemed heavily disturbed, 'Was it me? Maybe I shouldn't have kissed her, but she has to know how awesome she is, I've gotta see what's wrong' He lowered the magazine from her face so she was looking at him, "Hey, you okay? You stopped talking to me." He pouted.

'He looks so worried. But I can't tell him that I'm worrying about Chat Noir! That would raise a ton of questions!' She avoided his gaze, still thinking about the spontaneous kiss and Chat Noir's safety, "Yeah... I'm fine..." She gave two unconvincing thumbs up and a weak smile.

"Okay." Adrien agreed. He scrolled through the small TV. The first thing that popped up was the Ladybug and Chat Noir movie. He quickly scrolled down to avoid the guilt washing over him. The remote Ladybug had given him suddenly felt super heavy in his shirt pocket, 'Maybe I should've stayed behind, snuck out; so I wouldn't have to feel this way, but Marinette gathered the entire class and convinced my father to let me go. She worked so hard, it would be a waste if I didn't come... but Ladybug was counting on me, and I let her down.' He hung his head, mindlessly pressing buttons. When he lifted his head to see what he had pressed, he saw it was Ultimate Mecha Strike IV, "Hey Marinette." He whispered, poking her shoulder lightly, making her jolt, "Wanna play?" He pointed to the game. He was overwhelmingly happy when Marinette smiled genuinely and turned on her TV.

"You ready to lose?" She said cockily.

"We'll see about that, Prin- uh, Marinette..."

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