Hot Dogs are the W̶o̶r̶s̶t̶ Best

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Adrien stepped back and grimaced. The one time he actually tries to be honest with his feelings about Marinette, something just has to happen, doesn't it? "Where?" He asked in a monotone.

"There!" Marinette pointed to the sky. A flashing red dot-like thing was flying closer to the roof, becoming more clearer, "Is it a bird?"

Adrien looked up as well and squinted as it got closer, "Is it a plane?"

The American boy who'd invited them appeared behind them and put his hands on both of their shoulders, "No, it's Hot Dog Dan!"

Adrien made a silent hiss to the poor boy, making him remove his hands and back up quickly, 'Hot dogs are the worst.' He sulked. Hot Dog Dan was doing some fancy hot dog tricks with his condiments and stuff, while Adrien was wondering, 'How can this guy be a hero? Sure, he gives hot dogs out to people and stuff, but he hasn't saved Paris a gazillion times like me and Ladybug... OMIGOSH LADYBUG!!!!' He then decided he officially hated feelings. Adrien looked over at Marinette and saw that she wasn't even dazed about the almost kiss, 'What the heck was I doing back there?! I'm not gonna deny it this time, I was going to kiss her... but that doesn't mean anything, does it? I mean, she's just my friend! My heart belongs to Ladybug and only Ladybug. Not that she cares anyway, she'd probably even encourage me to go after Marinette... whoa, whoa, whoa, what am I thinking?! It's not like I love her or anything! And even IF I did love her, she's head-over-heels in love with Luka! I saw how she kissed him before going on the bus. I'm actually glad he didn't come...'

"Ummmm... Adrien?" Marinette waved a hand in front of his face, "Are you okay? You zoned out for a moment."

Adrien shook his head vigorously, "Yeah yeah! I'm fine!" He looked around for something to cleanse his mind of the... thoughts, "Hey, do you want to get a hot dog?"

Marinette's stomach grumbled in response, "Yeah, I guess." She laughed.

Both Adrien and Marinette went to wait in line for the hot dogs and unfortunately for them, Alya and Nino were with them, "That was a pretty romantic dance with Adrien, wasn't it Marinette?" Alya whispered to her best friend.

"Yeah... wait what?! No! It was just a friendly dance!" Marinette denied, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Alya facepalmed, "Come on girl! Don't tell me you've given up on him! What was it on the plane? Oh yeah," She did a false imitation of her voice, "Help me, Alya! I can't sit next to the love of my life who's definitely not just a friend!"

Marinette covered Alya's mouth, "Shhhhh! I'm not in love with him anymore! And I do not sound like that!" She hissed.

Alya removed Marinette's hand and smirked "So then, care to explain what your whole dancing routine was there?" When Marinette didn't reply, she continued, "Girl, he was totally flirting with you! Can't you see? He likes you! Don't-" Then she realized something, "Wait. Have you really given up on him?"

"I..." Was it true? Had she really given up on Adrien? "I don't know. He's going through a lot right now and he's very sensitive. He said that I'm the only one that can make him feel better, I can't take that away from him. We're just friends, at least... until he's okay."

"Okay? What do you mean 'not okay'?"

"Well, um..." It's not like she could tell Alya without Adrien knowing, "It's a long story."

"Oookay?" Alya wasn't satisfied with her best friend's answer, but she let it go, hoping that Nino had some better news.


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