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"Stuck?! Stuck to what?" Marinette started to panic.

"Well, you." Adrien said in a tone that could almost be perceived as flirtatious, "And your earring."

'My earring!!!!!!???? How the heck did that happen!!?' She took a deep breath and focused, "What do you mean, stuck to my earring?"

"My hair is looped around your earring," He explained plainly, "I would try to untangle us, but I don't want to hurt you again."

Marinette blushed slightly at this, it was kind of sweet that he thought of her... ears' safety? Suddenly, the 'seatbelts on' sign lit up above their heads, they both lifted their heads, which made them both take a sharp breath, "Uh oh, we'd better find a way out of this situation before the plane lands."

"Uh, Marinette?" He pointed to a nearby window, the ground was getting closer and closer, until it finally came into contact with the plane's wheels, "We're a little too late for that..." He then noticed Madame Mendeleiev was walking towards them, probably coming to get their class off the plane. Noticing the predicament that they were in, he wanted to avoid questioning from the class so he laid his head on top of hers and closed his eyes, "Hey, pretend to be asleep," He whispered to her.

"W-what?" She whispered back, "Why-?" Adrien placed a finger on her mouth, shushing her.

"Shhhh. You don't want to answer numerous questions about this, do you?" He signaled to her ear. Marinette complied and closed her eyes as well. Adrien noticed his finger was still against her lips, her breath wavering slightly on it, 'Dang it. Stupid finger.'

"Miss Dupain-Cheng, Mister Agreste, time to get off the plane..." Madam Mendeleiev trailed off when she noticed how close the two teens were, "Uh, I'll come back later..." She went on to get the other kids out.

"Is she gone yet?" Marinette whispered against his finger, eyes still closed. Then she noticed that his finger was still on her mouth, "Um, can you..." She pointed to her mouth, blushing at their even more awkward situation.

Adrien hastily removed his hand and blushed, 'I need to get more control of my body.' He thought. His bodyguard had already left the plane, probably waiting outside for him. He then realized that fewer people were on the plane now, "Okay Marinette, on the count of three, we stand up. One...two...three!" Both of them stood up at the same time. But since Adrien is about a head taller than Marinette, her head was lifted again.

To prevent any more damage to her poor ear, Marinette grabbed Adrien's face and pulled it down to hers. Unfortunately, the quick action gave Adrien no time to respond and he fell on top of her, faces only about two inches from each other, making him turn reddish.

Marinette rolled her eyes, "Why do you have to be so tall?" She complained, then she noticed how close they were, "Whoa." She breathed.

Adrien smirked, "It comes in handy in most situations, like this..." He tucked a strand of her hair behind the ear that wasn't currently occupied, not noticing that his Chat Noir side had come out.

Marinette blushed at the flirtatious remark, she didn't want to end the moment, but they were currently tied up, and she couldn't think her face could handle this much blushing, "Um Adrien, we have to get up somehow?"

"Oh right." He removed his hand once more, 'What the heck are you doing, Adrien?! There are more important things to do! *sigh* Me and my brain need to have a little chat with my hands,' He thought, "Now, how do we do this...?" He held her ear close to his face and slowly, they got up, both of them blushing furiously, "There! Done!" He said once they were standing up, he buried his face in her hair, leaning down, "Lead the way, M'lady." He gestured out towards the air, trying to bow, but he wasn't looking so it looked like a funny hand dance.

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