Chapter Eleven

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"Dipper, we need to talk to you," Stan started as he sipped his coffee. This caused Dipper to freeze. Was he in trouble? Did he do something wrong?

"I'm really sorry Grunkle Stan-"

"Woah, kid, slow down!" Stan stopped him. "You didn't do anything wrong. Ford and I were just thinking, it's been a couple of weeks since we uh-"

Stan looked at Ford for help.

"It's been a few weeks since the hospital and we need to get you enrolled in school," Ford explained. Dipper was relieved he wasn't in trouble, but he wasn't necessarily calm either. In Piedmont, school was awful. Although he got some of the best grades, he had no friends besides his twin sister. Towards recent years, even Mabel could no longer be considered a friend. He was also the target for many bullies due to his birthmark.

Dipper chuckled, "Yeah... school..."

"I know you haven't had the best experience with school, but it's required by law we get you enrolled," Ford explained. Dipper knew that. According to the law, kids had to have some form of education whether it be public school, private school or homeschool. Homeschool..

"Grunkle Ford?"

"Yes, Dipper?"

Dipper smirked, "So... you know how you offered me that apprenticeship last year..." he trailed off.

"Look kid, I considered it too and Sixer has no idea what current events are," Stan explained.

"Oh... yeah..." Dipper sighed out. Guess 30 years of interdimensional travel will do that to you.

"I'm sure it won't be that bad!" Ford exclaimed, "You have some friends here, right? What about the Northwest girl? Pacifica I think..."

Dipper shrugged, "I guess..."

The Stans frowned at each other. Although they didn't know exact details about what school was like in California, they had an idea. Ford knew that Dipper most likely struggled with bullies as he had the same problem growing up. However, Stanley was always at his side. Dipper would have to face school alone.

"I'll take you later today to get you enrolled," Ford said. "I'm sure they have honors classes you could qualify for," he explained, trying to lift up Dipper's mood.

Dipper gave a slight smile. Despite disliking school itself, he didn't mind the classes. In Piedmont, many of the classes, even honors, were a bit below his level. Yet, maybe in Gravity Falls he wouldn't feel so bored.

A/n: I know this chapter is really short. However, I couldn't think of a way to transition this book into the next part without having a chapter break.

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