An Avian Author's Address

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Hello there, incoming reader! Whether this is the first story of mine you've stumbled across, or you are at this point an obsessed addict of my sprawling series, I'm really glad to have you here, and I'll strive not to disappoint! 

Before we begin, I just have a couple disclaimers to make rather quickly, so be patient with me, please. 

First off, this book is only posted to, by Y. I. Turner/flamesword01. If you are reading this on any other site than Wattpad, then it's been either stolen or you're on one of those sketchy mirror sites well known for hosting malware. Please navigate to and search for "Reformation Wars: A Hero's Peace" there, both for your computer/phone's safety and in order to not support thieves. 

And a real quick second point is if you find this on Wattpad but under another name, please report it for plagiarism and let me know as well if you wish. Though the worth of the results are debatable, I do work very hard on this material, and it'd be a shame to be robbed of my labor just because someone else is too lazy to write their own stuff. 😂

Third, I'll just mention quickly that this is book six of the Reformation Wars series, so not exactly my most recommended book to start on if you're up for the full experience. My personal recommendations would be to start on either book 1 and work through the whole series, or just start at 4, which begins the second trilogy and the current, most relevant storyline. Or you can blaze on here, just giving you a fair warning. 

Disclaimers out of the way, I'd just like to thank @avadel for yet another lovely book cover! Stunning work as always, a fitting hook to draw unsuspecting readers in as they surf through Wattpad. I MEAN WHAT? 😂

And that's that. We now have just a cast list to look over, a map to study if desired, and then we can hop into chapter one! Once again, I hope that in this story, you find a compelling tale that concludes several story threads and paves the way for the final trilogy. Or if you're new, I hope you find it to just be an engaging and fulfilling story in general. Thanks for giving it a chance, at any rate. ❤️ 

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